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Nathan Kromer
added comment inProject - Value Scales
Asked for help
Here is my level one value study, I think I did ok on this. I used a 2H, and a 2B pencil for some added challenge (and if that wasn’t hard enough, the texture on my paper kind of rough so you can see it :( )
anyway, let me know what I can improve on in terms of shading and value control
Nathan Kromer
Asked for help
This is my level 2 submission torso boxes. This assignment was tricky, and I feel like some of the torso boxes are a bit too stiff, any help is appreciated.
Nathan Kromer
Asked for help
This was a very fun assignment to work on ! It was hard coming up with poses from imagination (especially dynamic ones) but it was challenging in a good way. Let me know what I can improve on :)
Tori Tempo
Asked for help
This was really great practice. Looking at some of the other submissions I'd like to try some more dynamic shapes and poses in the future.
These look amazing ! I like how 3D they look as well as the cross contours as well.
Nathan Kromer
Asked for help
Here are my assignments for this project, any critique or feedback is welcome.
Nathan Kromer
Asked for help
Here’s my attempt at the head drawings #1 to #19 for the level 1 practice. It was hard since I didn’t draw for a week, but I gave it my best shot, any critique is welcome :)
Nathan Kromer
Asked for help
For this assignment, it was interesting to simplify the animal faces into shapes even though I’m not very good at drawing animals to begin with. It taught me to break things down into it’s important shapes which was a bit frustrating but fun.
If anyone has any advice they’d like to give me on what I can improve then go ahead, I’m all ears.
I noticed a few things which I think could make them look nicer:
1) I'm not sure if you've watched the demo yet, but Stan emphasised the need to make things shapes. Such as your horse's snout not actually being a shape but just a line/outline.
2) I think the teeth are integral to express the idea of the tiger opening its mouth like it is.
3) Try adding the neck if you have any left over shapes before the ideal maximum of 10.
Nice job overall though!