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Coming back to this almost a month after my first attempt. Still not “there” yet but I like this better than before
Tommy Pinedo
Here is my attempt on level 2, I challenged myself to have some of the arcade machines laying down facing me and away. I had fun doing this and it helped me think more 3D.
also love adding the mushroom lol.
also….has trouble with the text as well but I’ll figure it out. 😅
Great challenge! There's a clear effort to make sure all the shapes are in different points, good job! The mushroom is so cute too
Somehow I like the thumbnail a bit better but I caught more details in the actual sketch
My first attempt at level 2. I made a ton of proportions (and a few anatomy) mistakes here, I don't think I accurately captured the likeness of the reference (photo #13), but I think it looks cohesive and believable enough at a glance. I'll try another one and see how it goes.
Great construction! 13 is also a favorite of mine. There's enough likeness from what I can see. Keep it up!
Really had fun with this exercise! I always thought perspective was daunting but this course made it easier to understand, especially through the projects! I'm more of a self-taught learner and the more I practice the more I self-correct. Had the hardest time with 19 though, couldn't tell if I should put the ear in the same plane as the front side of the face, but I did my best! (Edit: was meant to post this in the previous video, but I didn't watch the demo as of doing the project yet)
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Picked the red room from Twin Peaks in honor of David Lynch but I guess it never had much furniture in there to begin with.