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added comment inHey, let's start a newcomer's art chain!✨
Congratulations to Stan and everybody at Proko for creating this wonderful community.
I'm Kyle, and I work at Adobe on several projects: helping to build Adobe Fresco, creating educational content for illustrators and artists at Adobe Live, and making custom brushes for the official Adobe brush library. Nice to meet you all.
Mike O'Sullivan
I'm such a huge fan! Thank you for all you do.
Mike O'Sullivan
Asked for help
A couple of quick animals breakdowns. This is an area that needs improvement, not so much seeing in 3d, but breaking down animal anatomy.
Asked for help
Here are two sessions I did with the bean. The pictures go newest to oldest. I feel like they get stronger as I go. This exercise really helped with some artwork I'm doing for myself right now. As you can see, I did try and indicate the rest of the gesture in some of these. Let me know where I can improve.
Mike O'Sullivan
Asked for help
Here's my second round, I think I'm getting closer to the mark. It really it a challenge for me to simplify.
These look nice. You are capturing the pose and some motion well. I think you can definitely reduce the amount of lines you are using on each limb. A good way to see how little you can use is to pause the video on Prokos finished ones and copy a few of them. Watch how much stuff he leaves out. Copying masters is a great way to learn. You are certainly on the right track.
Asked for help
I have watched the videos on The Bean a couple of times and have practiced the methods discussed over the past few days. Please let me know of anything that I could do in order to improve. If I were to give some self feedback, it feels like that I am repeating the same thing over and over again. However, I feel like that I just have to look for a more diverse range of poses. I have included dates and numbers of the beans so that they can be commented on individually.
The first piece of advice I would give is to draw through on your ovals lightly, then darken the bean outline. Drawing through will help your draftsmanship. Keep up the good work!
Mike O'Sullivan
Asked for help
Okay, I'm revisiting Gesture drawing to improve my skill! Would love any feedback. A note on these, they go in reverse order. The latest ones were after I rewatched Stan's videos, and I focused on efficiency. The ref was Croquis Cafe.
Hi Mike!
Don't think about the shape of your body just yet, that is not the purpose of the exercise.
Now you have to think about identifying the movement of the body, the gesture.
You need to be able to represent a schematic version of the body in motion with as few lines as possible because you may find yourself having to fix an impression in a few seconds.
As you have already been told, only use CSI lines.
Find the main line of action, the one that runs through most of the body determining the main movement and pose.
On this line locate and mark the shoulders and pelvis with two segments: take into account pose and slope, this way you will have enough information to define the torso pose.
On the shoulders and pelvis insert arms and legs using curved and schematic C- or S-shaped lines.
Try to draw short poses so that you are forced to use as few lines as possible and learn to be less influenced by the shape.
As Dylan said you should try to focus more and the flow of the figure using only CSI lines. The point of the exercise is really to get a good understanding of the movement. Which is hard to do actually !
Keep up the good work :)
Hi Mike, I would do more of these without using any contour lines. Doing flow lines only helps to see the motion of the pose and trains your eye to see the overall flow and force.