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Mike Karcz
added comment inIntro to Drawing Basics
If anyone is interested in a study group, I can start a discord server were we can follow along with the course as the lessons come out. Comment below and I can shoot you an invite.
*Edit* Sorry, not as discord savvy as I thought I was. I'll need you to friend request me, and then I can send you the invite link (has to be friends only). My code: Other Barry#8117
Dylan Gabriel
Sounds like fun. Sending you a request
Zoungy Kligge
My robo bean tilt and twist exercises. The second from left, bottom row, is the last twist pose. l tucked the pelvis under more than Stan did.
Dylan Gabriel
Thank you for pointing out when you feel something you said might be misleading. Contextualizing it in the video is extremely helpful. Hopefully more people do this in the future.
Asked for help
Hii everyone! I've tried sth new. For me at least :D 30s poses - from photo ref. :( - w/o using any construction lines/ LoA. So the main question will be: Is this gestural? At all? in your opinion. Pleeease critique this, thanks in advance, oke bye.
Nice work! You are capturing the poses pretty nicely. I would suggest having smoother arcs that follow through the gesture down or across the body depending on the pose. Also you can focus less on capturing each limb shape and more on the flow through the shapes. Not sure if that is too vague but thats all I got :D
Asked for help
Hands imagined (test) and studied. Feedback is welcome. :) the most problems I have is with female hands on which I focused here. Can’t get them slender enough. Even studying from my own hands (see the complete blue sheet) which are really thin they somehow end up pretty bubbly I think. Is there a trick to get female hand proportions more accurate easier?
Nice work! The main thing I see is your pinkys tend to be too big/long as compared to the other fingers. For better female hands I would look up artists you like and copy from them to learn how it can be done smoother.
Peter Haller
Asked for help
Hi there. About two years ago I started this great course and I never neglected gesture drawing ☺️ Here are some actual ones
these look incredible. Not sure there is much to say here except if you're someone focused on gesture all of Mike Mattesis Force courses/books are really good.
Margaret Langston
OK, I didn't see the Skelly zip for the invention assignment. I opened it and got overwhelmed. Here are my shameless copies of Prof P's demos. I hope to one day be able to identify and invent all this stuff from my head, just like he does.
These look nice. I would go through and do the skelly ones on your own now. That way you can compare against what you learned.
Asked for help
i tried thinking in 3d, any feedback is appreciated
These look really good. Maybe some cross contour lines would help keep the volumes consistent. Also a ground plane can help you see the depth of the shapes in space. Looks like you're on the right track.