Randy P
Randy P
Activity Feed
Josh Black
Portrait painting!
Randy P
Wow! Thought that was a photo until I zoomed in.
Randy P
Level one - Simple blobs and ginger roots.
Randy P
Asked for help
Blobs to boxes and some exaggerated mannequins from imagination.
Randy P
My take on the level two tank. Freehanding ellipses is definitely not my idea of a relaxing weekend. Looking forward to watching the demo and critique videos and putting this assignment in my rearview.
Randy P
Some minor adjustments to correct proportions of the box and the angle of the treads.
Randy P
I’ve spent more days on this assignment than I’d care to admit. The first drawing was from memory. It went relatively quickly but the proportions looked distorted. Watched the demo video and tried again and again to get proportions and ellipses that seemed plausible. The tractor is my most recent attempt. The demo video makes it look so easy. Trying it on my own it revealed that I didn’t really have the intuitive principles of perspective down as well as I expected. Going to move on to level 2 and then get on to something else before I get burned out.
Randy P
Minor update. Realized after posting that the fourth wheel should be visible as well as the step entry on the far side.
Randy P
An issue I’ve discovered with this construction method which wasn’t obvious to me when watching the video is that to get a perfect ellipse, it relies upon starting with a PERFECT SQUARE drawn in perspective. if you don’t have the square correct and instead start with just a rectangle in perspective, then the actual inscribed oval that touches the rectangle on all sides is NOT an ellipse with perpendicular axes. Trying to derive an ellipse using an assumed minor and major axis will not produce a good result. Try to get the square right first. There are videos on YouTube that show how to use vanishing points to derive a perfect square.
Will someone please explain to me how one figures out where the major axis crosses? I know it’s perpendicular to the minor axis (which vanishes into the vp) but I don’t know how to figure out where the heck to put it along the minor axis. I am literally having nightmares about this. 😭😭😭😭
Randy P
I was wrestling with this as well. Johannes’ animation is helpful but the critical piece I was missing is that the major axis always shifts away from the center point along the minor axis… IN THE DIRECTION TOWARD THE VIEWER! in Stan’s video this is easy to see as the major axis is shifted toward the upper right corner of the box which is closest to the viewer. The amount it shifts off the center point is strictly a judgement call and intuition as there’s not an accurate way to locate it without math.
Randy P
My take on changing the orientation of the hands for level 2. Copied over my level 1 drawings for reference. Then I decided to do some rough thumbnails in blue first before drawing the larger alternate views. There was a lot of messy trial and error (and erasing!) along the way. These are the cleaned up final iterations.
Randy P
Level 1 Hands. This was a good exercise and feel like I’m starting to gain intuition about how to orient the boxes. Some of the joints were awkward to represent so I just focused on getting the boxes in the right direction rather than trying to get a logically correct mechanical relationship. I’m curious to see how this is tackled in the demo vid.
Melanie Scearce
These are looking great! Very clean. The only thing I noticed is on this pose, the side plane is showing a bit too much on the index finger. That finger is coming more towards us in space and so the side planes will be barely if at all visible.
Randy P
Enjoyed this one! Used Procreate to find and correct a few proportional errors but they were pretty close. Was really focused on contours though while drawing and my lline quality suffered.
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