Matyáš Kulkovský
Matyáš Kulkovský
Czech Republic
Activity Feed
Matyáš Kulkovský
Hello everyone. I tried this freehand because ... ruler and i . we are not much good friends yet . I hope some things in drawings will be good.
Matyáš Kulkovský
Ahoj . I hope you are all fine. There is my grafite pencil shading practice . I prefer pen and ink , but i want to iprove my graphite shading. So i hope it is not everything bad. I have two questions. 1 )Is necessary to use blending stump for good quality graphite work ? Because i dont like stumps. the main rason ,is when i use them i feel i lost control under my drawings. 2) Is not topic about shading but . I love make drawings and paintings form live and imagination, for instance live figure studies, urban sketches , sketch people in caffes etc. I strugling make drawing from photo references. Do you have any idea to starting enjoy make art form photo references ? thank you for critique and answers :)
A very uniform graphite surface can be achieved by applying multiple thin layers of graphite. You can then smoothen the surface and fill the pores in the paper with a HB or 2H pencil sharpened to a sharp tip - it works a little bit like a blending stump, but with much better control. For me a very relaxing method, but it's also time consuming.
Matyáš Kulkovský
Today's skull study sketches. :)
Matyáš Kulkovský
Hello. Not perfect . But I really enjoyed this assignment. I hope at least one think will be right. For me, the most difficult pose was from the front. thank you for the lesson maestro.
Matyáš Kulkovský
Hello. i have to say it's really hard for me. i'm not doing so well .especially making boxes from reference. the most difficult in my opinion was reference number four. so I must practice more.
Matyáš Kulkovský
Hello :) . Here is my trying . Thank you for the lesson maestro.
Matyáš Kulkovský
Hello everyone . Here is my attempt to assignment. I have to say . I never expected to have so much fun with boxes :) . Boxes and fantasy are a dangerous combination :) . Thanks for the critique :)
Matyáš Kulkovský
Hello :). Thanks for this lesson. It was really fun, educational and challenging. Here is my attempt. I hope it's at least a good one.
Matyáš Kulkovský
I dont know if i done this assignment correct but i must tell thats was real funny :-D thank you
Melanie Scearce
Nice! Your ginger root people are a little less like ginger roots and more like human figures. The drawing on the right looks a big more "blob-y," like a ginger root. Also, be careful with the guy on the left -- you gave him a left hand on his right arm.
Matyáš Kulkovský
They were fun exercises. I'm not spending as much time on these drawings as I wanted to.Because the deadline . But I really want to do this task because I'm still struggling with contour lines. So thanks for the critique :)
Rachel Dawn Owens
Good work! I like the you turned the animals into characters with some hats and boots. These are really fun. I even like the choice of different colors for each of these drawings. Heres a concept that might help you with your next drawings. I noticed the line spacing on some of these seems a little too even. I think if you varied that more, they would look more 3d. Overall, you made some really nice cross-contour drawings.
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