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Mason Stroud
added comment inProject - Measure Proportions
Asked for help
The self check is incredibly helpful. Definitely shows me how much more I need to practice.
Mason Stroud
Asked for help
I definitely need to explore and push shapes more. A really fun exercise though!
Mason Stroud
Asked for help
This project just made me appreciate Karl Kopinski even more. Studying this opened my eyes to how in control he is. Trying to emulate the taper and organic feel of his lines made me realize just how NOT in control of my lines I really am, and how much I need to study and practice. Tried to do some self-critique as well. I realized after watching a like 25 of his Reels that he definitely doesn't always start with the eyes. Looking forward to more studies like this!
If I had seen "attempt 3" out of context, I could easily have thought Kopinski drew it. Subtle but solid improvement in each try! Nice!
Mason Stroud
Asked for help
Rhino Project done digitally. Hierarchy and Light Order respectively. I haven't really used my tablet that much so this was an interesting experience.
Mason Stroud
Asked for help
Tried to stay as loose as possible. Still found myself getting caught in the little details tho.
Mason Stroud
Asked for help
Those boots were TOUGH. My brain just didn't want to put the laces in the right places.
Mason Stroud
Asked for help
Pear 1 was done before the demo. Pear 2 was done after demo and while watching the critique video. Trying to shade in shapes evenly with only the pencil tip is a real struggle for me, so this exercise helped a lot with helping me figure that out a little more. The second drawing was done on a slightly toned paper, so i used a white pencil for the highlight. I feel like a cheated a bit doing that, since I didn't have to shade the light halftone at all.