Activity Feed
At the end I sort of did some hierarchy of importance, but I did the whole thing with a 2b, so I'm asking, should I draw with a 2b and just go over making some lines thicker with a 4 or 6b, or just start of with a heavier pencil like 4 or 6b, switching to a 2b where it's thinner, and when doing line work is it OK to make these lines thicker useing the forbidden chicken scratch? As in, I've already drew the lines CSI in one or two motions
1st is hierarchy of importance, 2nd is light and shadow, I feel like I could've thickened the lines in hierarchy and I suppose I could just go over it again but I'm looking to move forward and I plan on redoing this project incorporating level 2 after I progress a bit down the line category
Melanie Scearce
These are looking great! Try using more closed shapes. Think about them in a 3D space and how they might fit together. Keep the connection points light and they will start to disappear when you darken the important lines.
I do not feel good about that pinky
Pale Night
The hand is plenty readable, and I wouldn't worry about its proper anatomy yet. Instead, I think you should focus on loosening your lines and making them flow a bit better. They read a bit rigid and nervous as if the hand that drew them doesn't trust itself much yet. Disclaimer: Just another student's opinion, not a master or a teacher in the slightest
Post boots demo, pre level 2 demo
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