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demetrius harris
Asked for help
well i’m posting another picture i’m wrkn on a texture on one of the characters body how did i do and any feed back on what i should try if it’s not wrkn thanx for all the feed back
demetrius harris
Asked for help
Did a few more sketch’s i’m not sure what i wana do with a few of them so i’m just doddling just notice a lot of ppl going str8 to inking any thoughts on the pics i no there rough layout and 1 i was tryin to think of characters to finish it and should i go str8 to inks??
Asked for help
Gesture Study
If you have a comment let me know! Feedback is appreciated.
looks good too me just shows i’ve got along way too go what class are u using
demetrius harris
Asked for help
ok i went back and did hulk/spidey with the suggestion that steve who did the critique on the page i went back and redid it with his suggestion with 2 different head angles i wood like steve to comment on how i did…🤔
demetrius harris
Asked for help
any feed back on this sketch i’m wrkn on like what pose wood wrk best even though renering may change so rendering is subject to change my question is any idea of how i may be doing ok and what i may be doing r what position anyone wood wrk best for something i can use those ideas and direction that maybe i can use for future drawings
Tyler Wilson
Asked for help
Try graduating the figures in different ways in order to help separate them. Like, make the figure in the back darker at the top and lighter at the bottom so the hero can pop.
At the beginning of creating these, your first idea should be where is the focal point. Usually, you can add as much detail as you want in your way. Have any other details not be as rendered and doing everything they can to keep the eye in the picture with a balance of rest areas. (swatches of nothing or very pleasing gradations).
Congratulations on completing and posting artwork. It is something I struggle with. Contrast don't just mean lights and darks.
and ill try darken the characters n back nlighten the other one and see how it works
Wow these look awesome! Are you going to ink them? They look like sketches for inking, and won't they pop after you ink? I'm no comic art expert but mainly just wanted to say these look great.
thanks i appreciate that u like it i guess doing a lot of things wrong steve said as u can read his comments i need more help n different area now i need to find a course that wood help me and yes i wood i like a inker to try there hand at one of my pics i neva had one inked so if u no anyone who wood like to try i wood like to see how if wood look and again thanx forcing u like them
demetrius harris
Asked for help
added 2 more pics and wana know if i. need to use more light source sense i was told i was using to much detail r my drawing was getting lost in detail i also added one that i post that was cropped and i posted the full pic so can i get some feed back steve gave me some good advice but i need help to which course wood help me with what he said i was doing wrong thanx
Steve Lenze
Hey Demetrius,
Actually your drawings don't need more detail, The detail you have is actually hurting your drawings.
In the first drawing there is so much detail that nothing stands out. It looks like a big gray scribble. It took me a while to realize there was a character back there.
In the second drawing the guys left hand is buried in the detail of the guys arm and body, and the woman behind him is missing her right leg.
In the third drawing Spiderman is getting completely lost in all the detail of the hulk.
What makes a character pop is not the amount of detail, its the area of greatest contrast. Contrast in line weight, texture, dark vs light, detail vs lack of detail. filling the page up with massive amounts of detail makes everything look the same and you loose clarity. When everything stands out, then nothing stands out.
I hope you find this helpful :)
the lady leg is bhind his head n his body its suppose be like she has her leg in his back i can darken her knee n leg so as to it can b seen.. n invincible characarter i was using his arm as a form of for shorting..n 3rd pic the hulk spidey i made spidey kinda as to show he's closer to coming off page that y i made him bigger.. and what about the forth drawing can u give me any thought on 4th one u only said something about 3 pic sry now i got ur break down n order hope n my explanation made the picture make sense a lil and what i was going after.. well can u tell me what page i should study r point me n right direction of what will help me to what ur tlkn about n thanks for info so who do i do 2 correct what i was shooting for
demetrius harris
Asked for help
what should i do too make this piece pop! are what should i take away from it??