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Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/10/2. Good evening everybody. As always I apologize for posting my illustration here but I don't have many choices since there's no specific category for illustrations like this. This is my latest one. I'd like to know if you think I should decrease the color saturation. It looks a little cartoony but it could be because my pc screen. Should I also lose some edges more (like I did for the back of the ship or the tail and wings of the dragon)? Thanks for your help and good night.
Your paintings have improved a lot. You are varying harder edges and softer shading well so it doesn't look like a blurred image. In my opinion the dragon feels out of place in the composition. It is interesting but feels like it isn't interacting within the environment. The contrast in detail between the two adds to that. Think about the story you want to tell with the two main subjects. "Is the dragon an enemy?", "Is it a companion?" For example, If it were an enemy I would make the two fight, the ship shooting off cannons or the dragon breathing out fire. Right now the dragon is just "there". If I were to take the dragon out of the image the main feeling or story would stay the same. They both fight for attention so I believe it is best to think about which to focus on. Say for example you want the ship to stand out more, then I would fade out the dragon with more of the clouds and atmosphere. The colors look good in my opinion. You could also try experimenting with a nighttime setting to add more drama. Good job and good luck.
Johan Kurniawan
Asked for help
Here is my assignment, I hope I did this correctly, any critiques about the rendering is appreciated!
Nice job they look amazing! You have a great understanding of forms, lighting, and color.
Portrait Study. Probably my best work yet. Very proud of it. Feedback is appreciated!
Jesper Axelsson
Marco Sordi
2021/9/2. Hi everyone. Here’s my assignment for this chapter. After watching the critiques video I’ll try to make again this example and another one ‘cause I don’t really like how I’ve drawn them. Thanks.
Your structure is there and looks clean! When you are using shadows think about the structure you are shading and vary it accordingly. If we were to think about the cylinder and how it turns in space and wraps light around it, your gradations should be soft. Especially for your core shadows.
Portrait study, taking measurements. Feedback welcome.
Jesper Axelsson
Great job with the construction!
Phoenix Olivia
Is there any feedback given by Stan? I feel like. my drawing looks really wrong and I can't fix it and I'm just repeating over and over the wrong thing without knowing what I'm doing wrong. Is there any way to get feedback from Stan?
You can also post your work here to get critiques from the community, which I recommend for you to see mistakes you may not be seeing. I'll give you some feedback if I see it! So post your work!
Anna M
Some more figures for today!
You have shown a lot of improvement, good job! I believe you are ready to add more gestural lines and details to the figure. One thing I noticed, your using 'C' curves in places where there is tension. When there is tension, weight, or sharp joint changes make sure to use a 'V' or zigzag instead. When you start adding more gestural lines (e.g 2 lines for the arm) remember to not follow contours but the motion the arm is going. Same thing for the rib cage and thighs. Using parallel lines for these situations, generally, is a good idea so you dont break the gesture with two sides fighting for the movement.
Asked for help
Adjustments made for clearer readability and implication. Critiques appreciated.
Anežka Winkelhöferová
Hi, this is my attempt at gesture drawing and also my very first post 😳 I would be grateful for any feedback. Thank you in advance.
Gestures are looking clean and expressive! Make sure to pay more attention to your proportions as you make gestural lines. Its not the main focus but should not be hurting your overall design.
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