do these sketches have enough detail??
demetrius harris
Need feed back on what i can do too make them pop!
Wow these look awesome! Are you going to ink them? They look like sketches for inking, and won't they pop after you ink? I'm no comic art expert but mainly just wanted to say these look great.
thanks i appreciate that u like it i guess doing a lot of things wrong steve said as u can read his comments i need more help n different area now i need to find a course that wood help me and yes i wood i like a inker to try there hand at one of my pics i neva had one inked so if u no anyone who wood like to try i wood like to see how if wood look and again thanx forcing u like them
Asked for help
Try graduating the figures in different ways in order to help separate them. Like, make the figure in the back darker at the top and lighter at the bottom so the hero can pop.
At the beginning of creating these, your first idea should be where is the focal point. Usually, you can add as much detail as you want in your way. Have any other details not be as rendered and doing everything they can to keep the eye in the picture with a balance of rest areas. (swatches of nothing or very pleasing gradations).
Congratulations on completing and posting artwork. It is something I struggle with. Contrast don't just mean lights and darks.
and ill try darken the characters n back nlighten the other one and see how it works
thanx for the feed back do u no of a course that wood help me in what ur tlkn about me being new i don't no what course i should try to help