demetrius harris
what should i do to make these pop! how much more detail etc
Hey Demetrius,
Actually your drawings don't need more detail, The detail you have is actually hurting your drawings.
In the first drawing there is so much detail that nothing stands out. It looks like a big gray scribble. It took me a while to realize there was a character back there.
In the second drawing the guys left hand is buried in the detail of the guys arm and body, and the woman behind him is missing her right leg.
In the third drawing Spiderman is getting completely lost in all the detail of the hulk.
What makes a character pop is not the amount of detail, its the area of greatest contrast. Contrast in line weight, texture, dark vs light, detail vs lack of detail. filling the page up with massive amounts of detail makes everything look the same and you loose clarity. When everything stands out, then nothing stands out.
I hope you find this helpful :)