Cyn Illustrations
Cyn Illustrations
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Cyn Illustrations
Day 17: Witches
^з^ nice colors
Alex Blais
"Up until now it had just been birds, but this is different. This is new. This will turn me into the king I’ve always been destined to be." I focused more on the character development and story. I chose not to spend as much time rendering this and just did color for quick play. 
Cyn Illustrations
I see a story here, well done.
jessica schiffman
Trying to upload my monster, I don’t see any way to do it.
Cyn Illustrations
Top right icon there is a square with a small dot in it. Click that to upload an image. I've added a screenshot, hope that helps.
Cyn Illustrations
The Demon Prince for this months challenge He has an unholy trident that is held on his back and it separates into four peices that can be held in all of his arms if battling multiple foes. There is a ghostly demonic priestess by his side during battles who collects the souls of his victims.
Scott Flanders
Nice process work Cyn. Good job.
Super last minute entry. Didn't get in all the details I wanted and the lineart is messy but oh well. This demon prince is juggling a list of names with time and death, which will he pick? Still wanted to submit because I would actually love a constructive critique on anatomy, lineart, clothing folds and anything else. Initial reference picture here:
Cyn Illustrations
I wasn't able to view the refence but from looking at your work it looks really good. Anatomy wise the only thing that I notice is his shoulders could be a bit wider and upper arms a bit longer to match the size of his hands,fore arms and neck. His forearms look longer than upper but it's not that noticeable. You mentioned folds, yes it could use more but I imagine with more time and looking at some jacket fold reference you'd be able to hammer that all out easily. I would have just added some sand in the timer. Well done, with more development would be a nice tshirt graphic!
Cyn Illustrations
The Sleemur Semi- amphibious lemur Habitat: dense marshy wetlands with many small pools of water and thick vine covered trees. Diet: The sleemur hunts for large snails that can be found in the mud of the pools and in the trees during the dry season. It may also eat various beetles, vegetation, and it's own jellyfish if food is scarce. Most Sleemurs are solitary and have a symbiotic relationship with marsh jellyfish that attach themselves to the creature with spores when first entering a pool of water. The jellyfish act as a defense from predators, stinging those that attempt to attack, and also hitch a ride from pool to pool picking up tiny organisms to eat and releasing new spores.The jellies also can bioluminescence at night, which aid the Sleemur in communication and mating rituals.  The Sleemur has a claw hand slightly webbed that works well for navigating around the thick vines and digging in the mud for food with the hallow scoop in its main claw. It uses its mandibles for holding and sensing for its next meal. Sleemurs are nocturnal, but they will occasionally display crepuscular behaviors hunting during the early day if it is heavily overcast. Refence used: seahorse, jellyfish, beetle and lemur. 
The creature design and animation are amazing my goodness! Good luck!
Kyle Martin
Love it, the animation is an awesome touch!
Dakota Bragdon
Beautiful. Love the story and the breakdown, the animation is cool!
bran in progress
Does anyone know the breed of doggo that's in this reference pic?
Cyn Illustrations
Maybe a cavalier king charles? Hard to tell.
Cyn Illustrations
When the city becomes salty and bitter, the people call upon a team of heroines who can serve criminals their just desserts. The Tres Leches are here; the beautiful Cheesecake, the ingenious Cupcake and their leader Pound Cake. They are every bit sugar, spice and everything nice, but don't cross them because beating bad guys for them is a piece of cake, and you will find yourself whipped in no time. That's just the way the cookie crumbles!
Cyn Illustrations
Started this concept as a play on the comicbook term Cheesecake as a voluptuous woman. The rest of the characters fell into place as other types of cake. Cupcake (shortcake) was going to have a dog named sprinkles too. I also considered concepting out a bakers dozen of characters but felt that was getting carried away in the time I had.
Lara Lara
The urban legend says that the talented engineers at Wacom created a special -and very complicated- experimental secret code for all their products every time they needed to fight their own creative blocks. Until one day I've found this to be true! It was after many hours trying to solve a creative challenge, I fell asleep on my keyboard and, I just don't know how but my face got the right code for my Intuos Pro! Intense lights and sounds woke me up... my drawing pad was no longer on my desk, it was standing next to me! waiting to introduce itself -himself!- as Wacoman, protector of the creative nature ready to take me into his never-ending fight against the relentless creative block.
Cyn Illustrations
Nice design, well done. Would be fun to see him in some action poses.
Burningarmadillo Elor
Extraterrestrial forces corrupted the Earth, bringing extinction upon the human race. A small military group tried creating superhuman forces to fight the extraterrestrials. They're called the Chimera Squad and are made of humans whose DNA was genetically mutated to enhance them in many different ways. ApeCrime is a former military soldier who was chosen for the Chimera project because of his great battle skills that he had showed while defending the Earth from extraterrestrial forces. His genetic mutation are his monkey limbs which can lift over 10 000 pounds. Another augmentation of his is the possibility to change the limbs he loses in battle, which in turn gives him extra strength
Cyn Illustrations
Interesting concept, digging his design. Nice work!
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