Jon Passig
Jon Passig
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Jon Passig
Tired of feeling meh about my drawing skills and I wanna get a lot better to make animating easier- If I could get some critique and feedback on this I would be very grateful! I'll use it for a 3rd pear drawing and while working on the Lvl. 2 assignment
Melanie Scearce
I really like these pear drawings! Very even shading. The only thing I can really point out is the contrast between the core shadow and the secondary shadow value being slightly too stark, making the core shadow look more like a line drawn on the pear. I think bumping down that secondary shadow value will soften the sharpness and also differentiate it further from the next lightest value. Hope this helps!
Jon Passig
Thank you for speaking on this stuff. Ironically enough around the 13 minute point of the video when you talk about being locked into technicalities that are taught in school like vanishing points, perspective grids, proportion etc, I got a lot of that from I guess what would be considered 'constructive drawing' from Draw A Box and other stuff. Spent my first couple of years being unable to conceive of drawing as anything but having to draw things as a correct shape shape to warp or construct on within a correct perspective and perfect lines- and have spent the last couple trying to break down those habits and ya know, actually draw. That kind of stuff does have a time and place but for as much as it's emphasized and repeated by educators online, it really can get in the way of the process of learning.
Jon Passig
Hey Stan, or maybe anyone else who can answer this- It's funny that this video came out around this time as drawing with rhythm lines like this in class has really upped my ability. But I've been wondering, is there any way to visualize, construct such lines when designing poses from imagination? Of course studying from life is important, but if you're a comic artist or animator- you do need to have an intuitive sense of this sort of stuff and ability to draw from experience. Thank you!
Chris Padilla
For me understanding basic construction has helped! Some might point to anatomy depending on the level of detail in your drawings, but I would say having some idea of the basic building blocks of the figure (even if it's just as boxes and cylinders) is a great next step. Once you know you can play with poses on the page in 3d space, you can apply gesture and rhythm on top of it all. I suspect the next section of the course, perspective, will help with this. :)
Jon Passig
Jon Passig
I legitimately don’t know if I did the assignment right or not lmao. I drew strictly in relation to CSI and decided what mark I was going to make each time before making it :/
Jon Passig
hoping I can meet the cutoff just barely- These were fun- I really need to work on my laces/loops/folds, some of you guys killed it
Jon Passig
On the off chance you read this Stan, was there any particular reason you chose to only use straight lines in this lesson? Before and after watching- i think it’s better but I definitely need to be more mindful of the shapes I’m creating. I have a habit of blurring my vision a little too much to see how the values are reading; which means I’m not seeing the distinct edges until after im done drawing.
Jon Passig
I need help 💦 the overall mapping and everything went fine enough, I’m sure I could do better with it- but when it comes to laying down tones and shapes I feel disorganized and out of my element. I don’t use graphite pencils much at all- mostly digital and pen and ink, sometimes charcoal; but I really want to push myself and get better with this. I feel like if I could get better control over these things and mapping shadows that I could do a lot better. All critique is extremely appreciated, both related and unrelated to what I said above- edit: decided to give drawing the pear a go and get better feel for mapping out shadows and values. Realized that I should not be drawing these on rough newsprint like the one I did before, as it also carried a yellowish tone. I also realized how foreign this way of drawing feels to me. I do genuinely really want to get better at it though.
Shefali Garg
Shefali With all the courage I could gather here is my 1st assignment. I see need for lot of improvement. But then that is why I took this course. Thanks for critiques
Jon Passig
Taking the steps necessary and posting this will always get you to your goals faster, good job!
Jon Passig
Really appreciate him doing this interview but I can’t lie, the amount of apathy he had for art, artists, and the many that will be displaced and abused by this system is disturbing. It’s not a requirement either. They could just *stop* doing it this way. They don’t *need* to use the art of non consenting artists, much less actual [extremely illegal content related to children] and illegal content in their data sets. If what he says is true, by his logic he could literally train AI to draw on its own without feeding it other peoples labor. Stealing grain from the farmer to sell them back their bread. and when he does admit fault and any level of concern for what’s happening, there’s a complete reluctance to do anything about it. It’s like the sheer act of talking to what he describes as a small amount of developers is a Herculean task. Assault rifles were invented, but you don’t see every Joe walking down the street with them. There’s nuance about it. You can’t just let this ‘boulder’ roll down a hill and crush a village blaming the residents that they should push it in another direction when you’re the person who pushed it in that direction in the first place. gross irresponsibility, delusional futurist 1930s rhetoric of an impossible utopia, and magical thinking about how the free market will magically solve any injustice. Trust me, if it were the case my mothers insulin wouldn’t be marked up 300% because of the arbitrary decisions of business people. The logic of ‘competition inspiring better prices and product’ is bull in most applicable situations and I’m not going to gargle the backwash of Silicon Valley transhumanists that can’t process that art may be enjoyable for more reason than pushing button and getting a dopamine rush at a pretty picture. I don’t hate the person, his genuine enthusiasm and clear love for what he’s doing is charming. But Marshall help us all if this is emblematic of what the majority of developers in that field feel. We are in for a *very* rough ride.
> Really appreciate him doing this interview but I can’t lie, the amount of apathy he had for art, artists, and the many that will be displaced and abused by this system is disturbing. It’s not a requirement either.  Ah, I apologize if it came off that way. To be clear, programmers & designers (ie: me), are ALSO in the same position as artists. > They could just *stop* doing it this way. They don’t *need* to use the art of non consenting artists, much less actual [extremely illegal content related to children] and illegal content in their data sets. I think most people actually are. I'm not sure folks who trained stable diffusion actually knew that there was copyrighted images in the dataset, or even really thought about it initially. >  It’s like the sheer act of talking to what he describes as a small amount of developers is a Herculean task. There's a small amount of Silicon Valley(*) developers. I have no control over foreign-state's AI plans. It's probably feasible to get American AI companies to stop training on copyrighted data; for example, you could change the law. It's very infeasible to get Chinese AI projects to do so (maybe tariffs?). (Though again, I'm not sure it actually solves the problem for you) > Trust me, if it were the case my mothers insulin wouldn’t be marked up 300% because of the arbitrary decisions of business people. There's only three manufacturers of insulin, and the US specifically has laws that prevent imports of prescription drugs from competitors over seas. If you don't think this is the case, you can go start an insulin company and bring the prices down! You'll make lots of money doing so, and do good for the world. -Evan
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