Jason Lankford
Human Anatomy and Physiology Instructor. I used to draw as a kid.
Now I draw for teaching purposes. I'm interested in improving.
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Jason Lankford
added comment inCritique - Simplify Pear from Observation
Here is my third attempt at simplifying shapes and using 5 shades of grey. I think i tried to stick to the instructions more than the first two attempts, though i did a little blending at the bottom of the bowl. I could darken some areas more, but I tried to simplify more. I used HB, 2B, 8B pencils.
Jason Lankford
I know this was not the assignment, but I started drawing and couldn't stop (I did not simplify the shadows into 5 shades of grey). This was my first attempt at doing a human face, and I had fun drawing it. The face is a little elongated (compared to the photo) and the eyes are looking straight-on instead of angled down, but at least it looks like a human face. lol
It's very hard for me to simplify and stylize. I've been trained to see details. I'm glad that I'm not getting a grade for this. But, I didn't smudge any when I drew this. I used HB, 2B, and 6B pencils to shade after first drawing the major shapes with a red pencil.
Eduardo Borges
On my third and fourth attempts I finally feel like I'm understanding the rules of the game, even though I struggled to get the shapes right. When working with pencil and paper I found it particularly difficult to lay down the correct values despite employing different pencils (7H, HB, 2B, 4B, and 8B).
You first image does a great job of doing what he described as shading "that will look like paper cut outs". You did a good job simplifying the shapes.
Jason Lankford
After watching the video, I drew Pear #3. I think it's better. I did not smudge or smear the lead...my paper is textured. I used more pencils this time, HB, 2B, 6B. I had trouble creating different shades of grey. They all seemed to blend into the same shade.
I also had the same issue with my pencils. Please let me know in case you find a good solution. Regarding the drawing, I like it but the objective is to simplify all shapes and you definitely added a lot of details.
Jason Lankford
I did this drawing on my own before watching the video. After watching the video, I realized I made all my transition lines too dark. I also am not that efficient at using different pencils; I need work to work on that. I did this drawing with only a 4B.
Here is my attempt to follow along with the quicksketch 2 minute gesture demo. I have trouble with proportion. And, I draw too many lines.
Jason Lankford
Asked for help
This is my first two days of attempting gesture drawings on my own (I've only watched the first video); I'm using YouTube videos for timed poses. I haven't drawn in a long time and I've never drawn people. I'm looking forward to learning techniques.
It will definitely feel more fluid over time. Good to share them and not be afraid.
Nice! Learning to draw people is a challenging and rewarding endeavor. These are looking good. Your lines can sometimes get a bit scratchy -- try to practice using longer, lighter strokes when making gestural lines. It's a good habit to get into and I believe you end up drawing how you practice, so establishing good habits when starting out is the way to go. I really like the figure in the bottom left on the first page. Good luck with the course :)