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Carlos Navarrete
added comment inMore Draftsmen Coming Soon
Make it 300!
Green Ethics
I really think this site is missing out on this great opportunity. I want the best for Stan, the site and all his team. I hope they will take notice: at least 2 of your colleagues in this art video tutorial business use Discord with success. Force drawing has just added it. I cannot fathom any reason why not to ADD its functionality to this site to create the community atmosphere you desire with Proko 2.0. The BBS or blog or forum model being used here is not adequate in this day and age of real-time, streaming, audio/video simplicity. Thank you.
Carlos Navarrete
Chat is the most important thing for me, and something that would likely keep me coming back for longer. I have no artsy real life friends with whom I can talk to about progress, or just art in general so as I'm working on assignments, eventually I feel the need for social interaction and that takes me away from doing art. Forums are very structured so it doesn't fulfill the need for like-minded company when doing art. Group chats could do that.
Carlos Navarrete
As someone who's not a professional, who's more of a hobbyst, most of the times I've started and stopped drawing it was because of a lack of sense of community. Having people to just chat about lessons as if it were a real classroom in real time is lacking in many platforms.
I sorely miss something like that. Definitely in favor of something like this.
Carlos Navarrete
Hi all, I just finished watching the first two clips of this section and thought I'd practice a bit. Some were 30 seconds, some I carried on a bit after 30, so something like 45 seconds per. Any critique welcome! I felt very stiff at first and it feels like it's getting flowyier as I go. I'm also making up words I think lol
Asked for help
Heres my first attempt. How long should I practice before going to the next lesson? Should I only do one lesson per week?