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Did my best to really dig into this assignment. Historically I have struggled a lot with gesture, so this rhythms concept feels like it has helped a bit with that. I still would appreciate any feedback about how I can improve my work in this area though.
I've always struggled with gesture related stuff in art, so this assignment was a bit stressful for me. I still tried my best to work with it though.
Tried doing faces with observing measurements rather than... uh measuring them. Results are worse but way less tedious to do. Main issue is I keep messing up the eyes and I dunno what to do about that really, I always get the angle wrong no matter how hard I try not too.
Its been ages since I've done measuring like this. I usually just use eyeballing techniques, because frankly drawing like this is agony for me. Its soooooo difficult and tedious. I recognize that its helpful though, its just hard to motivate oneself to consistently do something this draining.
Trying to get back into this course. There are so many steps here that its hard to keep track of it all, but I can see the value of it.
Is there a way of getting the horizontal proportions? Same way you have explained the halves and thirds, but for the width of the face so we don't end up with faces that are, in my case, too narrow. I have thought about this because I don't know where would be a correct position to draw the temple in my sketches to form the temporal fossa. Thank you.
Really would like an answer to this. Rewatched this vid and the next one multiple times and see no explanation for how to find either the temple or the back of the skull accurately.
How do you find the back of the skull if you're not starting with an accurate skull shape? When you start with this big perfect circle its not gonna accurately reflect where any of this is. I don't know where the circle shape on the inside in this diagram even came from.
Michael Hampton
I look for the width of the occipital ridge. This would be about one ear width behind the ear. I tend to just sight it but you could also use the trapezius to help find you're way there. As this is a construction, I'm mostly dealing in abstraction and estimation. If the basic sphere confuses you and you're looking for something more accurate to the skull try beginning with the form of the cranial mass
This assignment was fun but also pretty challenging. I really struggle to think more in 2d rather than defaulting to 3D, and had a lot of difficulty applying 2d thinking to photos that weren't at a flat angle.
Melanie Scearce
Wow, nice work. I like how you handled the frog and the pig. Keep it up!
Getting back to this course. I actually watched this video last year on Proko's youtube and found it extremely informative, so I was already pretty familiar with it. Still a really good resource.
this is so cool!! i love it
I feel like the most confusing part of this is trying to draw the bottom plane of the jaw. Really got no idea what kind of shape to make it.
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