Ihori Kobayashi
Ihori Kobayashi
Activity Feed
Ihori Kobayashi
I found this assignment challenging but fun to find different value compositions. It was challenging because when I changed the value composition, light and shadow positions changed, which made the drawing lose the reality found in the reference pictures.
Ihori Kobayashi
It was interesting to see the use of those tricks in small parts, which created the perspective in the picture as a whole.
Ihori Kobayashi
This assignment was fun and a good opportunity to study master's paintings. I used 3 values in all three practices. Sorolla's painting was most difficult because the background colors confused me and made it difficult to categorize them into the three values.
Ihori Kobayashi
This exercise was very difficult for me. I had to work very hard to ensure uniform value within the same square and differentiate adjacent squares with values, not lines.
Ihori Kobayashi
It is a challenging but fun exercise. For each image, I first looked at it for 2 minutes and drew from memory. Then, I looked at the image again for 2 minutes and drew from a different angle from memory (covering the first drawing with a sheet of paper). Finally, I looked at the 3D image and rotated it to check accuracy. Drawing rotated images applying the correct perspective was challenging, especially when trying to draw a foreshortened image.
Ihori Kobayashi
Level 2 practice. I tended to struggle with twisted shapes and showing depth (e.g. the body bending away).
Ihori Kobayashi
Both doghouse and complex building assignments were very challenging for me. The buildings I drew first several times did not look good. Some things (proportion, balance, rotation, perspective) were always off. For the complex building, I did not feel like I would ever get it right, so I was drawing a bunch of drafts on many sheets of scratch paper. When I unexpectedly drew a building that could work, it was drawn on water-damaged scratch paper. 
Hi Ihori! Sometimes drawing on a piece of scrap paper helps to take the pressure off :) I’ve had the same happening! Your row of buildings looks fun, bending and stretching. My pointers would be: 1) your left and middle building seem to have very different angles. For the left building it seems like I’m looking at it from a low level, looking up. For the middle building, it looks like I’m looking at it from a high level, looking down on it. 2) for the building on the right, your roof curves beautifully, but on the righthand side it looks like the walls stop all of a sudden, like it doesn’t follow the curve. I think you could solve this by applying the same curve to the bottom of your house and rounding it out. I’m no expert myself but I hope this helps!
Ihori Kobayashi
I tried to do Level 1 in the difficulty knob, but drawing an imaginary character was too difficult for me, and I ended up drawing a yoga pose out of my memory, which was more comfortable for me as I like yoga. But I tried to get out of my comfort zone by drawing this little guy trying to kick and punch for my second attempt to do the Level 1 practice. It was challenging to draw foreshortened limbs, but it was a fun exercise.
Ihori Kobayashi
Cross contour helped me think and see the reference object 3 dimensional and made me aware of plane changes. I had some difficulties figuring out plane changes in some parts, especially the flippers of sea lions.
Melanie Scearce
I agree with Robert, I really like your ginger. With the seals, some of the cross contours are a bit flat as they approach the edge of the form, in other words don't "wrap" like you demonstrated with the ginger. I would also encourage you to simplify as much as you can with this assignment so you can focus on the overall 3D form without getting caught up in the details of the wrinkles. Good luck :)
ginger looks great. Correct me if I am wrong but I think the edges of your cross contours of your seal (with the reference pic) seem to be wrong. The edge between belly and side plane looks lower on the reference than what you did. Otherwise these look lovely
Ihori Kobayashi
As watching the demo and critique videos, I practiced more blobs. I am slowing improving in finding right box rotations, but it takes me several trial and errors before I got it right. So when finally I found the rotations and positions of the boxes, they are often shifted from original blobs.
Hey I like your Bloboga. Namaste :)
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