Malakai King
Malakai King
Fernley, NV
Life is short, paint hard.
Activity Feed
Malakai King
The 1st is an example of foreshortening. The 2nd is an example of convergence. The 3rd is an example of diminution. The 4th is an example of overlap. The 5th is an example of Atmosphere.
Malakai King
I took another run at this assignment. The one at the top of the first page is just to getting something on paper to get started. The bottom is my attempt at coming up with an isometric illusion. It's very simple. I should have ideated more. Then I copied just the outline of the top one and made a clean copy of my illusion on velum.
Malakai King
Okay, I learned some stuff. I started out by eyeballing the first simple isometric box on top right. It came out fine. But when I tried to duplicate it, my boxes came out misaligned. I was trying to do the boxes by measuring them. I tried several times. I took a break, tried again but failed. I had to consult the net. I found it was just based on degrees of angles. The second page was just cementing it in with some more practice. The third page was just pushing the idea a little further. The fourth page was a study of Sandro Del Prete.
Malakai King
For me, Syd Mead is the pinnacle. If only I would dare to be great like him. I want to be able to place characters in their environments realistically like Garin Baker, Robert Mccginnis, and Syd Mead. I would like to use perspective as a stage to bend or break reality like Jeremy Geddis. I would like to use perspective as a frame work that allows me to project mood and emotion in a piece of artwork like Carl Bretzke.
These pictures are incredible!
Malakai King
Here's my attempt at using line weight for depth.
Canyon Braff
if i may, i feel like this drawing could benefit by pulling the line weight boldness to about a third of the boat (right to left) and doing a taper to the back? if that makes sense.. it is very strong in the front but then fades to thin quite fast.. Fear not! :)
Malakai King
Malakai King
Here is my attempt after watching the video. I improved some, and still need more practice.
Malakai King
Here is my attempt before watching Stan's explanation video.
Malakai King
Well, I committed myself to post the good, bad, and ugly. I could not strike a good line to save my life. My arm just wouldn't respond. But that's okay.
You got this, King!
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