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If we know about the loomis method, is that something we should use here or stick strictly to finding measurements?
I would not attempt to do this using the Loomis method. The Loomis method is for constructing three dimensional head and will cause unnecessary complications for you. For this assignment just focus on using simple two dimensional shapes and adjusting their proportions using the measuring techniques Stan described.
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I did a self portrait for a class in college. I was wondering how I actually did. I think it came out okay but I would appreciate any sort of feedback.
Cade Burdett
I think it depends on the type of line your trying to draw. If it's a big sweeping curve I would suggest trying to be as loose as possible and to get that it's best to not have contact with the paper. If it's a small detail maybe you should give yourself some added support by placing your hand on the paper. After watching Stan's last video on the circle warmup, I remember him mentioning to leave your hand off the paper when practicing even the smallest circles. This was a long winded way of saying listen to Stan and not me lol.
Thanks Cade. It's actually the same video that made me ask this question. I have definitely heard the advice to draw without touching the paper, but now hearing proko say what he did in the circle exercise I'm wondering if it means don't touch the paper ever or just for the exercise.
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No Hand Contact with Paper
I have been drawing for a while and always had my hand touch whatever canvas I work on. Digital or traditional. I was wondering, when we are training our lines, circles or just arting in general. Should we not touch the canvas? I've been using a drawing glove to remove traction of my hand and it tends to work but I thought asking this would be worth it to hear some opinions or the facts.
Malakai King
Well, I committed myself to post the good, bad, and ugly. I could not strike a good line to save my life. My arm just wouldn't respond. But that's okay.
You got this, King!
Tony Zhang
After the boots demo. This took me a while. That was A LOT of information. (A lot of proportions are off too). It’s hard to keep thinking as you draw each line “how do I want to simplify this”. Sometimes it just becomes unconscious copying. Even C curves can be very different from each other. S curves were extremely hard to ghost. Just hard to get on the same trace. I have a strong feeling that when Stan was doing the demo for boots he used his knowledge of shapes. That’s why they looked so real. I lack that knowledge so I can only copy 2D information now. I am still struggling to draw nice eclipses. Going back to drawing some more mushrooms…
These figures are really cool! Where do you get them? (Sorry this comment isn't related to your drawing, It did come out nice tho)
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