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added comment inWarmups to Improve Line Quality
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Warmups for all of them :D
carla toms
these are fun to look at-- especially the first and last ones
Cool! Keep it up :)
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Done before watching the demo; I completed all of these in Krita, using a combination of a light pencil sketching brush and a harder, more opaque pencil for the darkened lines.
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Move onto the Level 2 Project, this time going with the rooster! Experimented with squares, circles, and triangles for this assignment. It was a fun exercise! Challenging, though, especially with the squares, as I'm not used to using squares in character design. I think the circles were funnest! Made the roosters into little haughty rich roosters. :>
Gergely Vörös
I had a lot of fun with this one. The shape design was the most challenging part. But once I got some inspiration from the work of Chris Ayers (who has amazing shape designs, btw.), it went so much better. I can't wait to continue exploring shapes more in the next lessons.
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This was a really fun assignment! :) Tried out the level one assignment, all made before watching the demo.
I alternated between a square-edged watercolour brush and a thin pencil brush. I found the former to be much quicker to use for quickly laying down simple shapes, so I think I'll stick with it for thumbnailing and sketching from here on out. I love the pencil's texture, but it's rather tedious to use. I'll save it for detailwork + creating textures.
I began with the rooster, then moved onto the buffalo and the hippo. Thought I was relying too much on observation rather than simplification and design with these three, though. Moving forward - onto the rest - I wanted to keep the darkest lines to their eyes and noses. Tried to lean into different personalities for them all: a silly and dumb hyena, playful deer, innocent but surprised chipmunk, etc.
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Hello! I attempted the portrait simplification project, and I'm decently happy with it? However comma, I'd like some critiques, (and frankly help ;w;) especially in regards to the light and dark values!
For some reason, I get really ambivalent with my value choices, so this project was challenging, as I couldn't hide behind muddy, blended values. How can I improve my value selection and balance in my future work? All feedback is greatly appreciated :>