Juan Antonio
Hola :)
I am an intermediate student and I can help you with the basics of portraiture.
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Jack Mills
added comment inHow to Draw the Head from Any Angle
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Here's some head sketches, don't know if I did it right.
Asked for help
Hello. I have been slowly drawing loomis's guidelines for the head and I have a few questions about its application if anyone has time to answer.
First, when drawing the initial sphere, are you attempting to make the circle the same size as what you see on screen, or are you drawing an arbitrarily large sphere to trying to draw the face by scaling up/down the features of the face? Is the difference insignificant, or is there one that you would recommend beginners to start with?
Second, is their a tip for getting the flat oval of the side of the face right?
I imagine much of this will come down to mileage, but any advice would be appreciated. Here are a few of my drawings from today
Juan Antonio
Hello Rek
Drawing the head is difficult and it takes time. I would recommend you to focus on the basic shapes of the head, the features look good but if the head doesn't have the right shape, the face is going to look weird.
Try to ignore the secondary shapes and focus on the skull (the ball) and the jaw.
Also make sure to place the centerline and thirds in the direction similar to the reference just like Steve mentioned :) . Check out the playlist on how to draw the head: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL39135B8D190B7C97&si=EtSpMwRafyCH1QsW
Cheers :)
Juan Antonio
Hi Jesse, nice drawings :)
In my opinion I would recommend you to focus on the basic shapes of the head. The rendering is going well but there are certain parts that don't line up correctly. Remember that (in general) you have to draw the primary shapes first.
Check the playlist on how to draw the head https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL39135B8D190B7C97&si=ExMAE43biaK3qt5t
Cheers :)
Asked for help
Homework Dump #7|I always have trouble with heads tilting/looking up. Any advice on that would be much appreciated.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/9/24. Good morning everybody. Here’s my 30 mins warming up exercise. Thanks and have a good weekend.
Juan Antonio
Physical health of the artist
The posture we should maintain sitting or standing, what stretching we can do before and after to help the back muscles.
What care we should take with our eyes after a long day of study.
Hello Juan and Felipe! For the first week I was think something fun like a forest spirit?