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added comment inHow to Draw Exaggerated Poses
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Exageration - Day 4 & 5
This has been an interesting exercise. I have been trying to push the poses more with varying levels of success. Thankfully, it has helped me begin to understand how twisting the torso works.
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Exaggeration - Day 2
First day of trying to exaggerate a pose on my own. Was incredibly difficult but looking forward to trying more this week
Hey, I'm not in this course (and probably less advanced in anatomy, Im doing basic gestures right now.) but I wanted to pop by and say I see clear improvement between day 1 and day 5. The day five poses really feel like they have weight and mass!
Hi @egusisoup, nice drawings!
- I think you could improve the balance if you looked more carefully at the relationship between the head and the feet. You could for example start the drawing with a head, then find the pit of the neck, then drop a vertical line that represents the length of the figure. Then you place the feet with this vertical line as a guide. Then after that, you could get the angle and placement of the hips and shoulders.
- If you use a vertical line as a balance guide (like you've done in your fourth drawing from the left, in the first image), then make sure it's truly vertical. You could compare it to the edges of the paper.
I hope this helps :)
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Mannequinization - Day 1
These took me longer than expected to do. I started with gesture for most of the poses, but ended up with some shakier lines trying to acheive a level of accuracy. This is probably my favorite exercise from the course, outside of the robo bean
Wow, these are solid mannequin drawings! The hunched over guy in the middle is my favorite. I like how you handled his left arm. I think his right shoulder could be moved a little lower. I didn’t change much in my drawover. That’s all I notice.
These figures look perfectly balanced between gesture and structure.
Keep it up!
The main issue I see is that the cubes are very warped. You have to imagine that the edges of one side of the "boxes" continuing further and converging at some point. I drew an overlay so you can see what I mean. I think you drew the twists very well!
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Landmarks, Day 1
I decided to do a study of some of the previous student submissions. Definitely enjoying this section the most so far.
Quick question. Does anyone have any tips for locating the front-bottom (10th rib) and outer sides of the rib cage? It always feels like I'm guessing whenever I try to locate the general mass and where it stops in the front view.
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Bean Day 2
Still don't quite understand how to know which side will overlap. Planning to go over the notes later. I've also noticed that mistakes seem to be much more obvious after looking at pictures of my drawings rather than the drawings themselves. Has been great for noticing areas to improve
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Hello. I have been slowly drawing loomis's guidelines for the head and I have a few questions about its application if anyone has time to answer.
First, when drawing the initial sphere, are you attempting to make the circle the same size as what you see on screen, or are you drawing an arbitrarily large sphere to trying to draw the face by scaling up/down the features of the face? Is the difference insignificant, or is there one that you would recommend beginners to start with?
Second, is their a tip for getting the flat oval of the side of the face right?
I imagine much of this will come down to mileage, but any advice would be appreciated. Here are a few of my drawings from today