Dru Drax
Dru Drax
dru/scoffin/knife | aspiring illustrator and comics artist
Activity Feed
He did not even critique the capybara
Dru Drax
he definitely did though. he critiqued the part of the assignment the student got wrong, which was the quality of their lines.
Dru Drax
hi! I notice the english subtitles on this video are totally out of sync with the video itself. is there anyway this could be fixed?
Dru Drax
I've been struggling to find the time to do projects, but I was finally able to get this one done. the first one definitely feels like a warm up while I'm most happy with the second one.
Dru Drax
I did level 1, I find it really hard to simplify stuff but I think I did good here
Matt Tucker
This was super difficult but also feels like a great way to learn. The original is by @penrod_banks
Dru Drax
make sure to label which is the original and which is your study! this looks awesome!
Dru Drax
(studies numbered for ease of reference) this was such a fun assignment! lineart is my favorite part of art to do, and when I saw we were going to do lineart studies I knew immediately I wanted to do haruichi furudate. I like to say that furudate's art altered my brain chemistry permanently LOL. for full transparency: for studies 1-7 I went over the references using a red mono-liner (so all a single pen size, no line weight, line thickness, or line transparency variance and also no taper), deleted the reference image from the canvas, before lowering the opacity to 10% and doing the actual line studies. I did this exclusively so I wouldn't get preoccupied with copying the proportions since that's something I struggle with. I really wanted to focus on the lines themselves. for 8 and 9, because I didn't have any other reference to work with (reasoning explained further down) I instead pulled out a sketch I was working on to see if I could apply the techniques in 6 and 7 on one of my own drawings. for 10, I pulled out a sketch of a redraw I was doing of a panel from furudate's manga "haikyuu!!" since I was planning on using it as a sort of study of their lineart anyway! it was a lot of fun. studies 1-3 and 10 are of haruichi furudate, all from their manga "haikyuu!!" studies 4 and 5 are of tatsuki fujimoto, both from his manga "chainsaw man" studies 6-9 are of bo/chelicerage, an artist who deleted his entire presence off of the internet. the reference used was unfortunately the only art of his I managed to save. I wanted to do more studies of more artists but I sadly just don't have the time!
Dru Drax
this is probably just me, but I didn't find it entirely clear what we were supposed to do for the straight taper warm-up (fourth image). everything else was stuff I'm familiar with, I just gotta learn to do them more consistently!
Dru Drax
this was a lot of fun! ended up using the secretary bird idea a lot less than what I had in my mind but I suppose I should still keep the sketch I made of it here. also copied the pose so my apologies if that was wrong.
Dru Drax
day 14! I'll be honest, I don't think drawing every day is for me. I barely have enough spoons in the day to do basic, necessary tasks, let alone draw every day as well. that being said, I will definitely try to at least make it a habit to draw more often.
Tim Millea
Drawing every day may not be for you right now. But I believe you can get there!
Dru Drax
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