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Matt Tucker
added comment inProject - Line Master Studies
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This has been my favorite exercise so far even though it has been super difficult. Looking at them I would have thought Frazetta would be easier than the de la Torre but that was not the case.
Matt Tucker
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This was super difficult but also feels like a great way to learn. The original is by @penrod_banks
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First drawing is by Aaron Blaise, I chose this drawing because it feels like this characters are alive, so many motion in it.
Second one is by Freddie Carrasco, his way of styling lines is like opposite to what we are learning here, lines are scratchy, short, and wobbling but it’s look so cool:)
Third one is by Joey D. (I found him on instagram, his nick - @joeyd76), I just adore his style, before our lessons I didn’t understand, how he organised his lines, but now I know about “csi” and it helps a lot!
Great job on the Aaron Blaise. I'm going to look him up to try some studies myself. i like the motion captured in such few lines.
Matt Tucker
Asked for help
I'm going to try again with a lighter printouts. All my lines are the same value just varying thickness because I had to be dark to cover the printed lines.
Matt Tucker
I tried drawing the penguin the same size as it is on my computer screen and then held it up to the screen and traced the areas where I was way off with red pen. The first time I was too fat and too tall, the second skinnier but still tall and the third one half way decent. I still need to improve my line quality but I found this a helpful exercise
Matt Tucker
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I really struggled with the thumb on this one. I'm afraid I lost track of what I was doing with line quality.
Ben S
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Level 1, 2nd time through. I’m still having trouble not leaving enough room on the page.
Matt Tucker
I started out trying to only make long flowing C and S curves but then my proportions seemed off and I got real sketchy trying to fix them.
Matt Tucker
I was fairly pleased with how the boots went even though they don't match each other proportionally. I think I will also try to simply further next time