Activity Feed
Tim Millea
Asked for help
First 2 are from reference other pages are not from reference
Tim Millea
No specific time limit but I definitely went faster as I went along
Tim Millea
Asked for help
My first few basic cubes
Tim Millea
First 3 based on the provided reference photos. Don't worry there will be more
Tim Millea
Tim Millea
Tim Millea
Study from Eliza Ivanova! These highly designed fluid lines are really challenging
Tim Millea
Asked for help
This was a really difficult challenge for me brand new to any sort of painting
Here's my first attempt. I don't think I quite grasped it, but I really like how it looks already
Tim Millea
So the proportions on your pear are really good! I do recommend trying to get an even tone when shading in these five flat values. Because you have the white background, which is your highlight, poking through in the shading, the eye isn’t drawn to your actual highlights. Also, there highlights where there aren’t any in the reference because you are avoiding shading near edges, like between the pear and its shadow. You need slow down and have enough control to go all the way to that edge. Great work, keep going!
Tim Millea
Yoni reference first ever digital painting!
Tim Millea
Some additional cleanup
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