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got a little messy near the end there
oof 14 is a struggle
Melanie Scearce
That was a difficult one! Challenging perspective. You have it here as a C curve as if she was bending forwards. I see her torso as bending backwards in a C curve shape and the ribcage slightly twisting towards the arm that is reaching down. I may have pushed that curve a bit more than is true in my drawing, but I think that it should be more of a convex curve. You did a great job with the twists in the rest of your boxes. I really like the deformation in #15. Keep up the good work!
playing around before watching the demo
kind of going for a toy yugo vibe here (level 1)
hand 1 in original orientation and an attempt at rotating it
should do the others i suppose but having too much fun with this
demo and no14
Martha Muniz
You've got it! Nice work :)
trying a few of these before watching demos
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