Activity Feed
first attempt!
Tried the hippo, buffalo, rooster. and then a few more (a monkey, camel, elephant, pig, cobra, donkey). I think I got the idea of shapes and cut outs by the time I got to the donkey, but the simplification is hard! By default resolving the 3d-ness especially when the heads are rotated is hard. Also I started in pen, and I'm happy I switched to pencil so I could be a little more free.
Rachel Dawn Owens
I love your characters! They are so expressive. The hippos are my favorite. I really appreciate the simplicity of the snake. I think they shapes could be pushed a little more. These are all great! Keep it up!
some peter han studies. i in this drawing, i really liked the fur, the cloth, and the way the lines on the skin show some muscle definition and even what i think might be contour. i'll come back to doing rafael later but taking a break for now
living room. just experimentation with depth method
pump some iron with the gym rat
prior to watching demos. i like this process - i get so much out of watching the demos after attempting it.
attempt at camel and skull before watching demo. now to watch the demo as i’m curious about simplifying that spine :)
snail and boots. did each before the demo then attempted again after the demo. i’m still not confident im using csi correctly here. the demo was helpful in understanding what was a necessary detail versus not. for instance i wasn’t sure about things like the snail shell pattern or laces.
Great job, The beauty of drawing is that you can choose what you want to leave in and take out, learning how to do that well just takes time and experimentation. I think it was a great decision to go back and draw both again. Keep it up!
second attempt at the portrait exercise after watching the demo and critiques
level1 - pear - 2. going to attempt level 2 but starting with level 1. critique welcome
re did this after watching demo and critiques. focused on simplifying shapes and also values
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