Eden Fries
Eden Fries
Future comic artist :)
Activity Feed
Eden Fries
I worry that these lack depth, but am not entirely sure how to demonstrate that with gestures exactly. I’m a lot from the examples. I see below and I’ll probably try this again, but I am more satisfied than not with these
week 3: hands and feet
Eden Fries
Beautiful 😍
Eden Fries
I’ve done 12 more for fun! I hope I’m Improving
Eden Fries
Just some extras I did. These ones I didn’t stress so much and tapped more into my instincts rather than the fundamentals. Idk if it’s correct but I enjoyed doing it
Eden Fries
My first attempt doing the 12 drawings and from the first ones I did compared to now I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it. I’ll probably redo this one again and hopefully I can see even more progress. I’m only learning from the videos that are freely available to us in the how to draw gesture and the other resources given, but I’d like to think I’m doing decent enough, cross my fingers.
oh wow, this is nice!
Eden Fries
Ok last one for my 5 min 10 drawings.that makes…a lot lol. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s challenge!
Gyoon Ri
Forgot how fun gesture can be, this was an awesome motivation this week! First image is 1 minute, then the rest are all 5 minutes.
Eden Fries
I like your flow ❤️
Eden Fries
Third attempt(or more accurately like the 8th) on the 1 min 10 drawings. I’m trying to be better at understanding the line of action and flow of my work. I feel like I’m faking it a little, that or it’s instinct. I have no clue if I’m being accurate tho. I’m trying to think about where the weight in the figures is distributed. I hope this makes sense, I’m still figuring it out.
Eden Fries
Second attempt at the 5min challenge. Tried it traditional this time.
Eden Fries
After watching most of the videos recommended like how to gesture draw and force method I went back and paid attention to some of the key points that they mentioned such as the CSI rule, the line of action, and trying to avoid feathering as I did with my last one. These anre all just one minute ones, but this is my second attempt I will be posting a third attempt with my five minute ones. I think I’ve improved somewhat and I’ve tried to draw traditionally this time, but I’d really like some critique if anybody has it. Personally I think my proportions are off and I have a hard time posting these, especially when I’m doing them I am thinking of what people will think of me, but regardless, I’m posting all of the attempts I’ve made. From the first one to the last one is my progress. I personally don’t think it’s that linear though, as I’ve tried to change my technique and tools I used such as traditional brush markers versus regular mechanical pencils
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