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added comment inAnatomy Critiques – The Pelvis
These are my Pelvises. I am struggling with line cleanliness and clarity in the drawings. Also, my sacrum's are very long and thin compared to the models. how wide exactly should I make them?
Hello, these are my Spines! Any Critiques will be much appreciated. My main struggle lately is keeping my drawings clean and accurate. Also, it is a bit hard for me to establish exactly where the bottom of the ribcage is.
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Here are some animals, these were harder than expected. I'm not sure if its important but I find it pretty difficult to make these look dynamic using this technique.
Hardest part for me was probably the shell of the snapping turtle I think the flattened sphere shapes was best but it was hard to think of a primary shape that closely resembled it.
Any critiques will be appreciated
PoopMan BoxMan
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I've been familiar with gesture before but I've decided to finally share my drawings and improve my gesture drawings once and for all! For these drawings, I've mainly tried to capture the expression of the pose. Please feel free to critique! :::DDD
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here is my 4rth set! so far my hardest one were the 4rth and 5th pose.
On my last set of gestures I was told to focus on adding weight to the gestures and that was probably my main focus here. It was pretty difficult and I was struggling to figure out how exactly to add weight so let me know how I did.
Thanks :)
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Just posting up my first day of bean work, it's actually pretty rough for me. I can't quite translate the torso into a nice bean like Stan does in these videos but I think I'll be able to nail it in a week or so. I've actually had to take up to a minute to even get a general idea but the last three were all 30 seconds so I think I'm getting just a bit faster. I appreciate and help for y'all and hope it's okay that I'm taking things a bit slow.
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Hello! Here are my first 36 beans for any critics out there. Any comments and/or critiques will be appreciated
Thank you for your time :)
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Hey here are my third set of gestures.
I decided to provide the original images and several attempts for each gesture. Hope this helps!
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Here are my second set of gesture poses. I was told to use less contour, less lines, and the addition of more straight lines for the more stiff poses. please let me know what any of you think. Any sort or critique is very appreciated.
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Here are my gesture drawings from this video. I never really received any critiques before so I thought that I should start giving it a go. I've been doing gesture drawings for a while now but I still struggle quite a bit especially when it comes to the less gestural poses like #3 and #5.
Any critiques or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!