David Schneider
David Schneider
Activity Feed
whoa i love all of these !
David Schneider
Thanks so much! :)
Josh Sunga
Awesome @David Schneider! I think the "cold" could be emphasized a little more by adding icicles or fur textures on some of the fabrics- but those are smaller details. I'm glad you focused on overall design. I did a design-over where I kitbashed your existing drawings. I really just wanted to exaggerate silhouette since your structures look functional enough to me. There's a great opportunity to play around with negative shapes with how the buildings integrate into the bone as well. Really fun stuff here. Also explore different scales! It could be as simple as making the scale-guy smaller, but juxtaposing big shapes with smaller details can easily transform a personal hut into something more like a megastructure! Rest of the notes are attached below! Again, awesome work and thanks for sharing!
David Schneider
Wow Josh, really incredible how you can always push it so much further. Thanks so much!
David Schneider
Hi people! I want to add some props to my portfolio, so I created a brief for myself, namely "A culture living in a harsh, cold environment, with very limited resources, where enormous remains of whale like creatures scatter the landscape. They use these as basis for their housing as well as "worship" them to some degree, as the bones provide shelter and resources for tools and so on." These sketches are still rather rough, but I wanted to get the overall designs down first, before going into more detail. Any suggestions, advice, feedback and ideas appreciated! Thanks and happy drawing :)
David Schneider
My submission for this challenge! I did it rather painterly than with line art. Was great fun working on this one :)
Niklas Möller
Wow! Amazing work. You can really feel the depth.
Hokowhitu Sciascia
I love everything about this!
Ooh I love the lighting and texture of this!
Victor Nagano
yo lewd, jk nice work!! :o
Melisa Ibarra
Alan Doyle
Wow, this is awesome! Absolutely love the strings of mucus (or whatever you call them. Phenomenal work!
David Schneider
Hi! I'm David, a freelance illustrator and concept artist. I have a pretty broad range of skills and don't want to focus on one specific thing, so I do environments as well as characters/creatures. My goal at hand is to get a steady stream of freelance income, while my ultimate goal is creating card art for MTG. Thanks for this opportunity! David
Duncan Clench
Awesome stuff! I think we studied together in a galaxy far away ...
David Schneider
Hi! I want to get started using Gouache, mainly for small life / outdoor studies. As I'm beginning, can you recommend a view pigments for a limited palette that would be good for starting out? Also: Do you have any tips for an inexpensive, mobile easel that offers a practical setup for outdoor painting? Thank you, really looking forward to the stream! :)
Steve Lenze
Hey David, I like what your doing, especially the figures. My suggestion is to find opportunities to pump up the gesture in your figures. You can give the whole body a cool gesture, and give the individual limbs a gesture also. It will give your figures a nice, fluid feel and will keep them from looking stiff. I hope its okay, I took a couple of your figures and did a draw over so you could see what I mean. Hope this helps :)
David Schneider
Hey pifalo! Thanks! That's a great visualization. I wanted to focus on studying the musculature, but you're totally right and I'll try to incorporate it in the next steps! :)
David Schneider
Working on my anatomy skills, mainly to be able to place characters and creatures (with modified anatomy) in my scenes in a believable way. So I'm not aiming for a fine art approach, more like a block-out I can understand and draw from imagination, to build up upon. Sources of wisdom: Proko's take on the Loomis head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC2ZppKHCqU Marc Brunet's methodology of constructing the body: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUKd7BF8yC0 Any feedback welcome! :)
James Doane
David Schneider
Thanks! :)
Drewster H
Wow this is really great. I love watching the idea develop like it did
David Schneider
Thank you! :)
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