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added comment inProko Challenge Reference Bash - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Asked for help
hi, i'm a 14y old from Brasil. PLEEEAAASEE give me feedbck becouse i feel like i have stopped geting better in the last months
Victor Nagano
Fala dolinho! Pode ficar tranquilo, so 14 anos e ja ta assim no digital? Com essa idade eu ainda tava nos stick figures nas carteiras da escola.
N sei se vc ja ouviu falar do conceito de "abilidade de ver", "abilidade tecnica percebida" e "abilidade tecnica atual", mas é praticamente esses periodos de frustação que temos quando a nossa percepção vai além do conseguimos produzir. E enquanto a abilidade tecnica atual so vai aumentar com os estudos, a sua abilidade de ver naturalmente vai aumentar conforme a sua vivência e as suas experiências.
Enfim boa sorte no seu envio e saiba q esse sentimento e normal e ele vai e volta e o importante é não deixar de praticar, espero ter dado um pouco de paz e que consiga dormir melhor daqui em diante. :)
My submission for this challenge!
I did it rather painterly than with line art. Was great fun working on this one :)
You're hiking in the middle of a forest, there you find a peculiar cave covered in mushrooms that emits a faint blue glow. Captivated by their beauty you decide to explore further, and what you thought was just a cave turned out to be a research facility looking for ways to understand immortality from mushrooms and jellyfish and how it could apply for humans but...something isn't right, the whole place feels abandoned and was left untouched.
Then you find a long corridor with a door locked by a valve with a deceased body beside it, "that's enough and you shroud go back" is what you wanted to say, sadly it's to late, you start walking towards the door, not because you want to but because something is calling you, having lost the control of your own body you start opening the door.
what was once enchanting blue glow turns to a bright unsettling red and a unbearable smell feels the air. There it is, you just realize that actually no one left this place...
"if you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you."
Hope everyone is having fun with this challenge as much as I did, congrats if you made past all that text, after all storytelling is NOT my forte. As for my drawing hopefully that's not too far from the references. So thank you for stopping by and good luck to y'all.