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After watching the level 1 demo, I decided to have a go at the level 2 assignments.
I didn't have too much trouble with the snail. The boot however had me procrastinate for around a month. I started with a light sketch to get the general shapes. I then began refining the lines from the laces. When I got to the "loopy" ones I got kind of overwhelmed; I took a break, and it ended up being way longer than I was expecting lol. I think the problem is that I was focusing too much on the proportions. I wanted to get them all exactly right at first, but at least the month-long break helped me break out of this tendency, and when I got back I was able to be a little looser. Another thing I struggled with, again mostly with the boot, is drawing from the shoulder. There were many instances where I tried to draw some small detail from the shoulder, but it came out too imprecise and I switched back to the wrist. For these reasons I decided to watch the demo before drawing the other boot.
Here are my attempts after watching the demo. I'm really happy that both of these took half as long as my first attempts. The demos definitely helped change the way I approached them. Although I only realized after watching the critiques that I was still focusing too much on details rather than line quality. (The snail has much thicker lines because I tried the overhand grip but I'm new to it)
This is my first real attempt at shading. I had a hard time leaving clear edges between adjacent planes. It was also difficult to judge how dark the shadows needed to be, and I had to go over them multiple times after putting in the midtones and highlights.
One more attempt after watching the critiques. This time I tried to be more thoughtful of the planes to define a more coherent 3D shape. I don't think I fully succeeded, but I believe overall it's come out a little bit better this time.
Second attempt, after watching the demo.
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