Oliver Wan
Oliver Wan
Hi I'm Oli and I'm trying to learn to draw
Activity Feed
day 14: back to the birds. today i discovered that i have no patience for feathers....i like this one, i'm start to get pleased and not frustrated at the end of a session....
Oliver Wan
wow, looks really good! Good luck with the rest of the course
Oliver Wan
Here's my take on the project. I'm not sure if I did it the right way or not, as I first did a rough pass and then a pass with cleaner lines on top. Tried my best though
Oliver Wan
Asked for help
Had fun doing this exercise. Definitely still need to do more of these.
Martha Muniz
Love the looseness here!
Oliver Wan
Tried the project a third time after watching this critique. Not much of a difference compared to the last pear. Still have trouble filling in flat tone. Especially in the light area. First two are my first two attempts. Third picture is the reference for this attempt. And the last picture is the actual attempt.
Oliver Wan
Tried the assignment again with the second pear. Had some trouble with getting the core shadow right. First image is the first try; Third image is the second try after watching the demo
first submission! An attempt at simplifying :)
Oliver Wan
Wow, looks really good!
Oliver Wan
Tried my best simplifying this pear. Struggled a bit with filling in an even, flat tone.
Tommy Pinedo
I think this is a great attempt, because I can see all 5 values. Probably the only critique is the outline on the lightest value is visible. Stan mentions about not outlining them in the demo and critique. I had to do this exercise a few times for practice and I enjoyed it more with more attempts. Other than that, I like it! :D Happy New Year! :D
Oliver Wan
Got this course for christmas. Excited to go through it and get better. Just made some random marks and doodles.
Joe Burris
That's a real nice hand man.
Chirantan Talukdar
How are you so good already? Are those anime eyes?
Tommy Pinedo
Can't wait to see your projects for this course! :D
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