Los Angeles, CA, United States
Storyboard and Concept Artist
Activity Feed
WEEK 3! finished hands and feet.
Marian Rowling
I think they look really good
My week two poses!
Gustavo Melgarejo
It was my first time doing gesture drawing, and it was a complete disaster, my drawings look like stick figures, and the 1 minute poses were very incomplete, but it was fun, I need to practice a lot more.
it be like that when you first start haha but keep doing it and it'll get better. also learn the shorthand for the human body
Week One! 1 minute and 5 minute gestures!
Amani Noor (Amu)
Did some isometric perspective with pencil and ball point. I only have a ruler, so I did one with more with accurate measurements and others by eye.
Keeping it simple with just two artists I look up to. Yoh Yoshinari and Tb Choi. My goal is to be able to place characters in 3D space and draw them from any angle. I want to improve my organic and hard surface perspective and have them exist together believably.
Hanna Looye
I am aware that I am using a different medium than pencil. So I kinda figure that I am disqualified. Which is totally fine. I am just happy that I am keeping up so far. Painted these two in 30 minutes. Had fun.
i don't think there is a set medium, so i you should be good
I really like your course Marco Bucci I am watching the first chapter again to fortify the information on the planes. I had a question about where one could get a Asaro head and if that would be important, I tried to find one on Amazon and couldn’t.
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