Browny Sparks
Browny Sparks
Activity Feed
Browny Sparks
almost forgot the sink. any critique would be much appreciated.
Browny Sparks
this is the same vid as the last. just the first 14mins of it though. but same vid.
Browny Sparks
All the features were pretty much spot on but the face was too big compared to the head. Or head was too small and shoulda been bigger. Too tunnel visioned to have noticed I guess.
Browny Sparks
Took a while, but it was good practice. eyeballed a lot of the proportions cuz it felt easier and I didn't end up too far off. Still need more practice though to get better and to get faster.
I think that for the purpose of this exercise you maybe shouldn't be eyeballing it so much, and try to be as accurate as possible. Speed will come later as you gain a more intuitive way to measure things relative to one another. Don't worry about speed in an accuracy lesson! Best to take your time!
Browny Sparks
Ignored the straight lines instruction at some point cuz it just didn't make sense and made things needlessly difficult.
Browny Sparks
Any feedback would be much appreciated! :) Some were closer to 2 mins, some were about 1 minute. I tried to do 30s but I wasn't fast enough and 1min is all I could do. If I took too long, like 2 mins, I sometimes tried again and make it more simplified and was able to bring it down to 1min.
Browny Sparks
Hello! I would really appreciate any feedback, I'm a newbie and don't even know what to look for. I sometimes retry when I know what my mistakes were or do corrections to keep in mind for future drawings, but I'm sure there are also things that I'm not seeing. @Jesper Axelsson I saw some of your critiques of other people's homework and I found it super helpful! If you have the time if you could please take a quick look at mine and let me know if there's any obvious mistakes that stand out. Also, full disclosure, my "2 minute" gestures are more like 10 minutes most of the time. It has gone down slowly with practice, and sometimes it's 6 or 4 mins if I've warmed up and it's a simpler figure. But I still definitely need a ton more practice. Do you think this is good enough to move on to the next videos and lessons? It's hard for me to tell. Thank you! :)
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Browny Sparks, beautiful drawings! I can tell that you've put a lot of care into them. - I looked through your album. You seem to have good control of line and proportion (assuming that your drawings aren't tracings). I think working some more on the gesture would complement those skills very well. There are some nice flows in your drawings, but I'd like to take it to another level. As a first step: Do some more figure drawings where you don't draw the contour, but instead draw lines running through the forms. You could imagine that there is a river flowing through the body. The lines you put down is the water. Try to feel the forces of the pose, as if you were the person striking it. In fact I would even recommend striking the pose yourself (if it's possible and safe XD). Try the exercise with different time limits, maybe in the range of 15 sec to 5 min. But stop drawing when the time is out, even if you're not happy with the result. Write how long it took, next to the drawing. I attached a paintover I did of Dre Torres work, as an example. When you've done a few, tag me so that I can take a look😎👍 - It would be interesting to hear what your goals are. That could help me guide you. Do you want to do animation? Comics? Realistic figure drawing? Or something else? - "Do you think this is good enough to move on to the next videos and lessons?" Whether to move on or not is for me more a matter of how long you've been working on an exercise, than what quality your work is at. There is still things for you to learn about gesture, but if you've been doing this exercise for a long time, I don't want to hinder you from exploring the rest of the course. About how many days have you stayed on this exercise? About how many hours of practice has that been? Another thing to consider is how you feel about the exercise. Do you feel like there is more for you to extract from it, or do you feel done with it for this round? In my experience, it's better to move too fast forward, than to stay on things for too long. As you learn other concepts, the things you've learned in this lesson will be put into greater context. If you move too fast, you'll notice that sooner or later, but if you stay on a single exercise forever, you'll have tunnel vision. You'll keep getting back to practicing gesture on your art journey. Think of learning to draw, as something circular; you'll keep revisiting concept. Most importantly: get feedback and ask questions, as you're doing now😎👍 - "I'm a newbie" I see that you're taking the Drawing Basics. That's great! Keep doing that :) I hope this helps :)
Browny Sparks
I'm glad you brought on Jeff to talk about this stuff. I feel like the more exciting things reveal themselves as you move further into art and get deeper into more advanced topics. And I'm not someone who generally looks at other people's art that much and forget why I got into this in the first place, so seeing a master's work and his explanation of some of the more advanced things in a simplified way for beginners is definitely an inspirational boost! :D Thank you Jeff and Stan! I hope to see more guests in future lessions as well to stoke my inner art fire. Thank you!
Browny Sparks
I shaded even though I wasn't supposed to, but I did it on a different layer. Was a fun project :D Any critique would be appreciated! :) Study of Frazetta
John Harper
Great job.
Browny Sparks
i put up 2 of the Shadows and light direction method but the 2nd one is not lvl 2. it's the same as the first Shadows and light direction method except with lowered brightness so the lines are easier to see cuz they were too light in the first one.
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