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added comment in2 Week Drawing Challenge
I didn't have ton of time recently to really get deep into the course and do the assignments, so decided to keep going with the challenge doing little drawing daily.
Wanted to share couple of my favorites. Unfortunately I lost most of the references I've used, lol. Would love any feedback or advices on what could be improved in general, thanks!
Asked for help
This was so fun, lol
Would like to ask for help and feedback on my camel explorations, because I feel like I have most fun and successful ones here as well as most often did I feel like I lose camel-ness in the process
Thank you!
I think it's good that you lost the camel-ness in some of these -- it's part of the exploration and you're figuring out what works and what doesn't. I would recommend that you pick some of the successful ones and think about what makes them successful, what you like about each of them. Then do some more iterations, really trying to stick to using only closed shapes.
I really love how you're playing with the proportions on the last image. Really cool stuff, keep it up!
Day 14 ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ
Wanted to do something more complete on a last day of the challenge. Really happy with it (maybe except the shading hehe)
This was so fun, thank you!
Day 12
Had a couple of days in a row that were rough and I felt like all the daily sketches turned out awful, but today made a page of whales that I really really like, so wanted to share it here
Thank you
Day 5.
I just watched pep talk on drawing from imagination and decided to give it a try. Randomly during "page vomiting" this beautiful doomer frog appeared, and then the whole plot, lol
Days 3 and 4
Have been trying to do a quicker sketches (except for the cat plush one) to start getting more confidence in putting down lines.
As always open to any notes or critique, thank you!
Days 1 and 2 of a challenge.
Found a ton of cute animals here, very fun to draw.
Placing reference and drawing close together actually made me realize some proportion mistakes on a hippo and a frog. Getting a bit overwhelmed with detail of a reference still and simplifying it still.
Would love to hear any criticism and feedback, thank you.
Asked for help
Shoe laces unfortunately were too challenging for me right now. I will attempt to re-draw the boots with laces after a bit more practice with line work and drawing real-life objects from observation.
Nevertheless lines topic is so very interesting, a lot of insights even in one lesson.
Any feedback is appreciated a lot, thank you.
Asked for help
thanks for the lessons, happy to start the course here and excited to share the first assignment
would be happy to hear critique and any guidance on how to improve, thank you
Welcome @Slava! Congrats on the first post.
You did great here, nice work designing the simplified shapes. You want to try to make hard edges with your value shapes -- so instead of outlining the highlight shapes with a dark line, try to make that hard edge with your shading to separate the two.