Autumn Aurelia
Creating with anxiety, letting go of perfection, and finding joy in the process - mistakes and all.
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added comment inDemo - Simplify Portrait from Observation
really glad i made a second approach
I didn't understand the measurement part, can someone please explain it to me?
Autumn Aurelia
I'm a beginner, but after the pear project, I really wanted to challenge myself to this one, too. I instantly realised it was way beyond my skill level right now, but I'm so glad I stuck with it because it was so much fun and I feel like I learned a lot.
Of course, I see many mistakes that now haunt me (what is with the eyes?!) but I suppose that's part of the learning process.
P.S. Please ignore all the smudges! 🙈
Autumn Aurelia
I'm feeling quite confused now I've watched Stan's demo because my second and third attempts kinda felt worse lol!
I did have some observations I wanted to share, but firstly I should say that in my first attempt last night, I only used a 3B Pitt Graphite Pure pencil and I found shading the different values a lot easier to control with just the one pencil or perhaps it was due to the type of pencil. I'm still unsure.
Today, I switched up to multiple pencils and this is where it got super confusing for me as I found it so challenging to keep the same tone as I blocked in one area.
I also found that I kept wanting to go darker and so it ended up changing all of the values each time I did this.
Lastly, with each study, I realised I wanted to add more and more detail, which I realise wasn't the point, but holding myself back from doing so was difficult and, well, I ended up totally overworking that last one! 🙈
I find it hard to see progress in my work or comment on things I like, but I'm going to try here because, despite it being far too dark and the values becoming too similar in the light and dark areas, I do see one improvement (I think?) and that's the shape of the shadow underneath the pear. I think! Lol
Any advice or critique would be so, so appreciated, thank you!
P. S. Apologies for the difference in light. I took the first photo last night.
Djay Elements
@Autumn Aurelia pretty much summed it up.
‘looking forward to seeing the progress.
I've really been loving the posts in this thread, thanks for the positive painting peer pressure! I've been trying to unwind with a watercolor (with a teeny bit of white gouache) on the couch at the end of the day with a focus on minimal setup, minimal expectation, and to loosen up a bit. It's been fun! Clearly I've had sushi on the brain :) Keep slingin pigment!
Great simplification! Careful with the middle values getting too similar to each other, as the section hit by light can get confused with the section in the shadows. Darkening the 2nd darkest value can help distinguish the shadow area apart from the lights and reinforce the clarity. Great progress so far, keep up the good work!
Chris Easterling
My second attempt and first post. I had trouble seperating my 2b and hb shading at the end, but the idea is present. On to the next one!
Autumn Aurelia
I'm quite nervous about posting my first project and would love any feedback. ❤️
I realised, afterwards, that I was maybe supposed to use different pencils, but I used a 3B for the entire process.
I can definitely see things I'd change if I were to give this another go. My lines feel too dark and too harsh, especially the shadow under the pear.
I'm very surprised by how enjoyable this project was, too, to be honest. I usually get so overwhelmed and frustrated by drawing that I come away feeling really upset and hopeless.
I'm feeling really good about this course though. It helped to hear Stan talk about anxiety in the early stages and how we shouldn't expect too much from ourselves right now and just to enjoy the process. That's something I have always struggled with.