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i think ive spent 1h 30- 2 h on this. i dont know what i did wrong on the head (i mean why is mine so small), because i did the same measuring as stan did. pls help me :(
Rachel Dawn Owens
It’s just a touch wide. It’s a common tendency
the order is a bit messy. II think my first attempts contain too many floating shapes. What do you think? Is there anything I missed else?
Good idea with putting dates on your sketches. I am stealing this Overall, good job!
Melanie Scearce
I think you nailed this assignment 👍 Great line quality in these.
1. The first 3 sketches are from Eliza Ivanova. If i had to describe how she uses lines it would be like: squished parts: dark and thick lines, streched parts: thin and less dark. 2. the next 3 sketches are from Glen Keane. I think he uses lineweight for importance of the subject, depth and form, literal weight (weight of wet hair) and for the pose of a character. 3. the last sketch origins from Jeff Watts. Its tricky to tell how he uses lines, because shading is a bigger element in his drawings imo. But i think he uses them to show weight of the subject and importance. There is also a big variety of value in his lines. pls correct me if im wrong or add something. That was a harder project for me honestly.
i redid a study of jeff watts
Hello Ya’ll, the first one is a the lighting method, the second one is more intuitive/focusing on the focal point. Can i improve/fix something?
my paper indended with an hb :/, maybe try 2b next time
You communicate what you see in the illustration well. These sketches are confident and proportional. Very nice, thanks for sharing! Inspiring.
Melanie Scearce
Your lines are so fluid! Amazing
the school sheets finally have a use!
i made that funny monkey and a little octopus
the order here is a bit messed up: i did the penguin, then the arm and then the vr girl. Its hard not to get lost in the details. And with these sketches i figured, that i like to sketch with the blue pencil:). Is there anything i can improve?
i tried it and tried to focus on not doing unintentional strokes. Is there maybe something really off about them?
Melanie Scearce
I think these are excellent. Great variety of CSI lines.
really glad i made a second approach
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