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added comment inProject - Simplify to CSI
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Here are my two first assignments. Pretty happy about how they went :D. Zhat do you think? Should I simplify more?
Asked for help
I need to practice more, definitely. I observe that I have a heavy hand and it's not always obvious what the shape of my mushroom should be before I start drawing. Practicing visualisation and just practicing more before each session is what I aim for.
Sean Hennigar
Asked for help
My submission for the portrait. Still had a bit of trouble with the mid-tones.
waw, I love it a lot. It looks like you have some experience with folds too, very nice.
Matt Wilding
Asked for help
My angles are slightly off, but all things considered I feel like this went well. I'd be happy to hear thoughts from others.
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My first attempt at drawing this pear proved to be quite challenging, I must admit.
Drawing the contours was particularly time-consuming and I changed my mind a couple of times before deciding on each definitive line. Apparently it is also important to make intelligent artistic decisions about shadow shapes and ensure even that then shadows possess a specific angle to create a convincing 3D illusion. I'm eager to hear your thoughts, especially considering this is my first class that I ever took in drawing.
I just finished the portrait assignment. In my defence, this is the reason why I started the class in the first place. Otherwise, I feel it's so bad, that I even don't know where to start from. I have always had problems with drawing eyes and lips, that's for sure. I am very happy that the next lesson is a follow along. I am hoping that the next one will be better :D.