Albert Galilov
Albert Galilov
Activity Feed
Albert Galilov
Hi, I’m having trouble understanding what to focus on in the reference to get the gesture right. I also want to be able to look back at my old gestures, understand what went wrong, and improve in future practice. While you show what you’re doing, you don’t really explain how to do it. This makes it hard to follow when I try to do gesture drawing on my own. Could you update the video with explanations on how to approach gesture drawing practice?
Kathryn Fauver
Hello! I hope I can help. With gestures, the biggest thing to focus on is not having your drawing be stiff, and to have a pleasing flow to them that's appealing to the eye. Try to not focus too much on detail right away, that was an issue I had to overcome, and instead focus on placement and form of the subject. Think instead of shapes. Focus on doing short 1 min to 30 sec quick gestures to help with flow, and have the ones that are a few mins focus on form. Alongside this, do in-depth anatomy studies of the different parts of the body. When you do that, you'll start to see anatomical landmarks you can use for the quick gesture drawings. As for how to see what went wrong and how to improve, what I did at the start was after finishing a drawing, I compare it to the photo by laying the sketch over it. From that I can see if my proportions or placement of body parts is correct or not. I take note of this and keep it in mind for when I do future drawings. Over time, I'm able to notice if something looks off just by looking at the photo and comparing, though I still do the overlay if I'm not sure why something looks wrong. Most of all, don't be too tough on yourself and keep practicing. It'll take time but you'll get there.
Albert Galilov
My second attempt (first one was an apple), I would like to know how I did and if I am can continue to the next lesson. Thank you for advance for the critique :)
Rachel Dawn Owens
This is a really cool drawing. I like how you designed the shapes. It’s got a unique and interesting flow to it. You could organize values more on your next drawing. This means simplifying the planes of the pear and deciding which planes are facing towards or away from the light source. Heres some demos to help explain. Keep it up. Can’t wait to see more!
Albert Galilov
I tried this exercise with an apple, let me know how I can improve. Not sure why but the big shadow in the middle of the apple looks like a hole instead of wrapping around the apple, how could I fix it to look correct?
Hi. the shadow on the image is more than the right half of the apple. You can see a clear dark oval shape. You should try to make the shadow a single shape. The ambient/bounced light you have created (brighter areas in shadow) are too bright- as bright as your midtone. Remember it is still a part of the shadow- and thus should be much darker. Only slightly lighter than rest of your shadow. Watch this video by Marco Bucci- hope its helpful.
Hi Albert, The dark areas at the top of the apple, where the form turns away from the light toward the (absent) stem, have softly graded edges (on the side away from us) and look pretty convincing! But the dark area in the upper middle has edges that are relatively sharp, suggesting some abrupt change of surface. What would happen if you softened those edges across quite a bit of the middle apple? Hope this helps, keep up the good work!
Melanie Scearce
Hey Albert! This is a good start -- I like how you are designing the shapes of the values within the apple. I think the reason the dark shadow shape looks so out of place is because values on the right side of the apple (furthest away from the light source) are about the same value as the left side of the apple (closest to the light source). This makes it seems like the apple is being lit from both sides (which we can see in the source photo that it is being lit from the left because of the bright highlight). I color picked from your drawing to show this visually, and I did a sketch of my own to show how I would design my values. Hope this helps!
Albert Galilov
What is the difference between this course and your Gumroad "Figure Drawing and Anatomy Bundle"? The bundle on Gumroad is cheaper, so if it's the same I prepare to pay less.
Andrew Bell
Gumroad doesn’t have the floating video window. Proko’s does. 🙂
Josh Black
that's right! the difference is this course includes the rendering, shading, and legs and arms courses that aren't part of the gesture and anatomy bundle with gumroad. Hope that helps:)
John B
That bundle doesn't include Josh's leg or arm sections or the shading lesson while this course does.
Albert Galilov
Are you talking and explain in the videos? or it's just videos with music?
Josh Black
Most of the videos and sections have commentary but there are sections with music as well but the majority is with commentary and explanations:)
John B
There's instruction as well as demos in the course.
Albert Galilov
I am starting to regret that I paid for this course. 6 lessons just about tools, seriously? Most of that material I can find on YouTube for free (and probably on your channel). WHY YOU ARE WAISTING almost an hour (56 minutes) just on tools??? why do we need a 20-minute video that explained how to sharpen our pencils???? Are you serious? VERY DISAPPOINTED :( Probably the last course that I paying on this platform!
Rebecca T
But, have you watched those free YouTube videos? If not, I'm telling you, you haven't missed much. Stan and his team are on a whole 'nother level. We're just getting started. Instruction is irrelevant without the right tools to implement it. And, for the record, I had no idea about sharpening graphite to a bullet point so that the graphite lays down evenly. What?? Now I know. Off to impress my friends.
Hi Albert, I recommend you read Nicolas Malloy's comment above. Hopefully, when you've done so you will understand why Proko has committed so much time to the basics.
The initial portion of the course is free and is also released by Proko on Youtube for everyone's benefit. I suspect that the more specific portions of the course and more specialized ones will be Premium only. The same goes for other Proko's courses: a portion is released for general public, but the core stays for premium users. I do not see anything wrong with that. And these initial lessons are pretty good considering they are absolutely free.
Anna S
You can get your money back, if you are disappointed.
I've pretty much lost interest. Unless what's next is something amazing for an absolute beginner I'll chalk it up to experience and move on.
I don´t see why being disappointed for being provided with such useful information. This is a basics course and its covering so much valuable information on materials. I've seen other courses that go straight to drawing and even though that might be good for some people, knowing your tools can save you a lot of time, frustration, money and also know which tools are adequate to get the results your're looking for in your drawings. The course is just starting out, a lot of drawing lessons and proyects are yet to be released. From the description, the first one is coming out tomorrow. Hope you already have all your materials set, know how to get different results from your pencils as these lessons have shown:)
Albert Galilov
Hello, 25$ is not the final price for the whole course? for every new part of the course, I need to pay extra? and last question, the Duration of the full course is 2h 8m?
João Bogo
2h 8m is the duration of the available lessons. I think as more lessons come out they'll update total time.
Stan Prokopenko
Yup, $25 is the full price! You'll get all 8 chapters as they are released over the next few weeks.
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