
The Anatomy Survival Guide

Course by Josh Black
8 Lessons
Skill Level
Int. & Adv.
15h 5m
1 / 5
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Josh Black
My anatomy lessons are now on Proko! Save 20% during the presale over the next two weeks before all the lessons get released.
Lux Lynn
Hey Josh! I'm think of getting this course after I take Michael Hampton's intro to figure construction course. I believe that Hampton's course focuses on figure construction with simple forms and I thought that your course would be a good option to learn anatomy in more depth (actually learning the muscles and bones), as a way of building upon the simple forms and construction learned in Hampton's course. What do you think?
john jo ong
I don't recommend spending your money with this course. It's not good at all. Please save your money or spend your money to other courses which has more substance such as Will Weston, Rey Bustos or Scott Eaton.
Kevin Riedel
You could try to criticize in a respectful way. Just mention 4-5 times that the course is bad for you, without saying, what is the problem, is disrespectful to the teacher/artist. THIS, actually has no substance, to say it in your words. You come across like one of this people, who give a book on amazon the worst 1star rating by saying the delivery came late.
Josh Black
Sorry the course didn't meet your expectations. I appreciate the feedback and will keep it in mind as I work to improve my courses. The goal of this course is to give you guys a practical foundation in anatomy and figure drawing, that you can apply right away to your work. Proko also offers a money-back guarantee. Feel free to reach out to support! Best of luck on your artistic journey
Eshan Bhatt
Could you elaborate on why?
I'm thinking of buying this course, how often will we get criticism for our artwork?
Josh Black
If you send me messages to my proko account I will be happy to give you feed back:)
I want to know about course. I don't know about anatomy not a bit i only familiar with figure drawing, so can i buy or i have to learn more for this course...
Josh Black
I think this course along with other approaches can all help you in your journey to get better and to mast the figure:)
I am loving the brushes!!
Josh Black
Glad to hear it:)
Sorry, random question, but I noticed in your bio that you mentioned that you went to BYU. What was your major?
Josh Black
So sorry for the late response on this! I did go to BYU I majored in Illustration:)
Stephane Larocque
Thank you! I really like the lessons so far.
Josh Black
So happy to hear that you're enjoying them:) That page looks great! love to see your traditional sketches
Are we able to download and keep each lesson? Does the course expire? Thanks!
John B
Downloads are available for each lesson in the download tab of that lesson.
Apparently the course will always be available for you. Not sure if you can download the lessons though
which necessary basic skills should I achieve before learning this course.
John B
If you don't have basic fundamentals taught in Stan's Drawing Basics course and some knowledge of figure drawing I would start those first before learning anatomy.
Grzegorz Gajewski
i think it should be available already? i bought it and cant watch it
John B
Lessons have now been published! Enjoy!
when will the course go live ?
John B
Course is now live! Enjoy the lessons.
Hello Good day, Does the arm and legs lessons includes hands and feet?
Jorge Carrera
Will this include the Gesture and Anatomy Sketch eBook?
John B
It doesn't
Josh Fiddler
Woot! Will check these out soon!
Alex Reillo
I already bought this course. Looking forward to learning more from Josh. I hope you provide the brushes you use on your YT videos.
John B
brushes will be included!
This looks promising i might take this to help mix up my practice, is there an estimated time for completion ?
Josh Fiddler
I think the length of material is near 18h but how long to do it is probably a few weeks if you’re slow like me.
Francis F
Does it include the brushes?
Josh Black
I will be adding the brushes to the bundle! That should be in this week
John B
I don't remember seeing the brush files when I was helping him upload this course, but I'll double check with him and get back to you about it.
Albert Galilov
What is the difference between this course and your Gumroad "Figure Drawing and Anatomy Bundle"? The bundle on Gumroad is cheaper, so if it's the same I prepare to pay less.
Andrew Bell
Gumroad doesn’t have the floating video window. Proko’s does. 🙂
Josh Black
that's right! the difference is this course includes the rendering, shading, and legs and arms courses that aren't part of the gesture and anatomy bundle with gumroad. Hope that helps:)
John B
That bundle doesn't include Josh's leg or arm sections or the shading lesson while this course does.
Albert Galilov
Are you talking and explain in the videos? or it's just videos with music?
Josh Black
Most of the videos and sections have commentary but there are sections with music as well but the majority is with commentary and explanations:)
John B
There's instruction as well as demos in the course.
Hi, will there be any exercises in the course?
Josh Black
I think the best thing to do is to follow along the videos and draw the reference and anatomy I go over, and then expand on that with additional reference. If you'd like critiques on your work please ask me on my proko page:)
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