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added comment inDesigning Dragons
In course description, video block says "Let's Get Started! Watch the First Lesson Now." With options: "Start Watching" and "Get Premium."
BUT if I click on "Start Watching," I get a screen that says "This lesson is Premium only. Join us in the full course." (And there are no non-premium lessons.)
IF the intention was to offer a little taste to induce one to buy, then something is not working as expected? (Thought you'd like to know.)
Asked for help
Here are 3 scales in oil paints--the bottom one is from a mixed chromatic black, the first two are with ivory black. With each one, I thought "Oh, that's fine." but with each NEXT one, the value changes became more even--mostly, expansion in the upper-mid value range. (Please excuse tiny dots at bottom of rectangles, they were from testing the next scale's values.)
Asked for help
Some photoshop experiments—not because I'm most comfortable with Pshop, but because I am learning. (Also traveling, some other media coming soon...)
Albert Galilov
Asked for help
I tried this exercise with an apple, let me know how I can improve. Not sure why but the big shadow in the middle of the apple looks like a hole instead of wrapping around the apple, how could I fix it to look correct?
Hi Albert, The dark areas at the top of the apple, where the form turns away from the light toward the (absent) stem, have softly graded edges (on the side away from us) and look pretty convincing! But the dark area in the upper middle has edges that are relatively sharp, suggesting some abrupt change of surface. What would happen if you softened those edges across quite a bit of the middle apple? Hope this helps, keep up the good work!
Asked for help
I'm looking at the example given on the lesson page (sphere and torus), and thinking something is wrong about the way the dark area on the sphere under the top of the torus is treated.
This dark area is marked as a cast shadow, and ambient occlusion is marked on it (as I believe correct), but its fuzzy edge is not identified as penumbra (as I believe it should be).
AND its edge is also marked as a terminator; its bulk is marked as form shadow, and core shadow is marked on it—all of these incorrectly, IF it is a cast shadow).
To be clear: it looks to me like the torus is casting a shadow on the sphere—the dark areas that wouldn't be there if the torus were taken away—and that this cast shadow has two edges: a fuzzy edge angled near the center of the sphere and a sharper edge near the lower right of the sphere.
(Also, I'm intrigued why the sharper edge looks so sharp: my current theory is that the penumbra of the shadow is foreshortened.)