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added comment inProject - Cross Contour on Organic Forms
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Trying another one were I try to think about it as "I'm about to slice through the subject" ( Poor froggy :( ) I think it looks good, but I don't feel confident about it.. Don't really know if what I do counts as cross-countour or if I am just enhancing the forms you allready are seeing in the reference, I guess it is a little bit of both?

Ron Kempke
Copying is easy. Draw it from another point of view to see if you really understand it.
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First go on simple creatures level 1 entry before watching the demo. Tried to find a sweet spot right between not going to detailed, but also not too simply in the forms.
Kind of feeling like I have a grasp of how the cross contours goes, but some of those which goes "along" (with the lack of better words) some of the forms doesn't always make sense to me. I don't think the "ant trail"-analogy is working for me (yet). I have marked the cross contours I am most unsure about in red. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Overall I am quite happy witht the end result as the shark really has that 3D-vibe going.
Also, I didn't focus too hard on design and interesting shapes, and stuck mostly to the reference as you might see.
Nice work here. I think you got the hang of it. The perspective of this reference image threw me for a loop, and there is also plane shift around where the gills are (highlighted in green in my draw-over). I simplified the form and rotated it to try to make sense of it myself.
Think of a cross contour like a cross section of the 3D form. If you were to cut it in half, what shape would it make?
Nice work! While 21 & 22 seem a bit too contour and detailed focused for rhythm studies, pose 24 feels like your strongest of this set, as it has a strong demonstration of the pose's energy and use of rhythm lines. Capturing the relationship between the lines and the big picture idea of the figure, like that tilt of the shoulders and curve of the spine, is key. Keep up the good progress!
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The two first are blobs without a reference, and the last one all the gingers gathered on one page. Just going with my gut, but I allready see that I need to draw my contour lines rounder around the edges, especially the ones which goes "along" the blobs, if that makes sense. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
I like the stylised look of the drawing!
For this exercise I would suggest to draw larger wheels and perhaps push the vanishing points together a bit more.
At the moment there is no convergence for the lines because the VPs are too far away.
So it is hard to evaluate if you really mastered the topic of this lesson: drawing cylinders in perspective
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I do not know the exact artist, but my reference is from the concept art from Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition which is done by Atomhawk. I really love their style!