Activity Feed
Gabriel Kahn
I did the vertebrae, hopefully I didn't mess up the perspective, this one was pretty complicated
Volker Wuyts
Wow that's cool that you take the time to draw those in detail. Great job
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Gabriel Kahn, the vertebrae drawings are looking great! I'll try to look for things to improve on: - The crosscontours on the spine are looking off. I think you would benefit from drawing it again, and if you don't know how to draw crosscontours on a curving cylinder, let me know and I'll try to explain👍 Cheers!
Gabriel Kahn
As promised, here is the last two :)
Gabriel Kahn
added a new topic
My Inktober Journey
Hey there! I'm Gabriel. I haven't been here for a while, So as a refreshment I thought I'd post this year's most difficult undertaking. Inktober.
Gabriel Kahn
I'll be back tomorrow with the remaining two. My hand hurts :D
Nice drawings! Good line work, solid structure and perspective! Good job!
Gabriel Kahn
My greatest creation so far... I regret nothing. (tyler1)
Woa I love this! :o
Amazing, he’s truly built differently now
Well done! The guy looking confused to the side is the cherry on the cake :D
Sonja Müller
Great idea and well morphed!
Stephanie Miller
Dude! This is awesome! Nice work😂🤣👍
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