The Language of Anatomy

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The Language of Anatomy

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Stan Prokopenko
If you know the language of anatomy, you’ll be able to figure out those long latin names, and you won’t have to say “What the heck is Stan talking about?”
heel pole
I just did some sketch based on terms to emphasize on what do they actually means.
Beatrix W
i saw some people sharing their cheat sheets so here's mine!
The animation of skelly with the ball is so nice!...and the video is great as usual.
This year I´m doing a 365 days challenge to finally end this course a lesson per day. Every day I will post my progress. Study this is difficult to me because I have 0 memory. And even so is rewarding practicing this. Have a nice day everyone and make great things, Day 7 done 358 to come.
Samuel Parker
Made this cheat sheet for reviewing/quizzing myself on, excluded some of the more specific terms of movement + Pertinent terms for body parts, which I'll include in a follow up post.
Ernesto Palma
Nice! I also like making sheets with tonnes of useful notes. Don´t forget to go over them after a few weeks and see if you wanna make improved revised notes!
Hi, everyone, That PDF is at next lesson "eBook: Language of Anatomy" which only for premium. If you don't have premium, you can take a look at some comment below, and the "LESSON NOTES" of this lesson.
i've just copied the pdf file
Sandra Süsser
Been studying with a free Anki deck for the anatomy terms (which I am not allowed to share here whyever). I am almost done memorising everything as well as some additional terms. Here are also some sketches I did from memory based on the PDF and corrected afterwards.
BTW in the Lesson Notes, dorsiflexion (of the hand) and palmarflexion are given the same definition. Is this a typo? In the ebook, dorsiflexion is defined as "flexing wrist so the hand bends backward" instead of "rotating the hand so the palm moves closer to the forearm."
getting started on my flash cards :)
The site doesnt exist
yeah! where do we get it ??
Gabriel Kahn
Ah yes, my favourite muscle, Gluteus Stan
Wow, found a bunch of free tests at for practicing Proko anatomy terms! ^.^ :
Thank you!!!
thanks a lot :)
hello, is not working
Although I am not familiar with what the old link contained exactly, I think the content that used to be there moved to the 'Lesson notes' under this video.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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