Sketching in Public - Tips from a Riot Artist

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Rembert Montald
I’m releasing a book full of my sketches. I’ll share with you a sneak peek of the art inside, talk about the personal stories behind some sketches, and offer you tips on how I capture these life moments.
loes roos
Very nice share.
Martin M
There really should be a link to the store page or info about where to order the sketchbook in the video description section.
AJ Wolf
Go to the “Lesson Notes” tab—in the notes there is a link for pre-ordering the book.
Vera Robson
So incredibly beautiful, fun and inspirational! Thank you for sharing. I am only beginning to figure out how to work in a sketchbok - been mostly drawing on pieces of paper and throwing them out. Now I am trying to discipline myself to carry the sketchbook with me, and do all my sketches in there. It is nice to look back at my own drawings, even though they still look amature and scrawny. Maybe after a few years of practice my sketchbooks will also look beautiful!
Thanks for showing your sketchbook. It's incredible. I think F meant, Fantastico !
Zach Pipher
I love this, Its cool to see your process. I noticed he showed another sketch book and said he drew a quick wireframe. Do you have a separate sketchbook for thumbnails and wireframes to help you envision what the scene will look like?
I love the ability to attach all the memories of where you were in your life with each drawing. Inspires me to want to do something similar!
Joseph Osley
Absolutely fascinating and inspiring artist in both their output and methodology. I love the self-awareness and retention of intent he maintains as means of furthering himself as a draftsperson. Amazing stuff!
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