Let's talk about how you can combine the expressive, loose concept of gesture, and the scientific structure of anatomy to create inspired and informed figure drawings.
Sita Rabeling
Messing with the pose... Did that this morning along with https://youtu.be/XpejM-T9YG0?si=uabmaIm59ljbIxAu
great vid(s) for warm-ups and daily exercises. Thank you!
Looking good!

The video won't start, it's just a photo...

just click on it.

Amazing exciting demo and I love your book. Thank you Michael.
Zach Pipher
My goal as to why I have for 30 years had an on and off relationship with drawing is because I have always wanted to tell a story in an art piece though draftsmanship. However I have always felt like i'm turning my wheels in the mud never getting any progress. I'm grateful for Michel to explain some concepts and also some history to explain how these are ideas and concepts that have been passed down for hundreds of years. Something that has been crated by masters of the past as a way for me to practice to get better. a more fleshed out way to build the figure. I hope i can practice this and use it to learn to draw the stories I have in my mind that are too complicated to do now.
I just wanted to say I'm so excited to see your demo here. Your book is my all-time favorite figure drawing book, and I have a lot! Even among all the amazing video resources we have today, your book is still my go to reference. Thank you!

in 46 : 42 timestaps i didnt understand anything
00:46:45.300 --> 00:46:48.200
use these lines. That's why I think it
Q1 : (what eactly the lines u are pointing does u mean the line of gesture between inside and outside ) that we draw between anatomy and the 8 parts
00:46:48.200 --> 00:46:51.700
lends itself so well to invention but in different postures, you
00:46:51.700 --> 00:46:54.300
just have to reorganize some of the lines in order to
Q2 : How
00:46:54.300 --> 00:46:57.700
do allow for a different interpretation. So here
00:46:57.700 --> 00:46:59.900
I can just flip it. I'll make this longer.
00:47:00.900 --> 00:47:03.800
And then I'll create thoracic and
00:47:03.800 --> 00:47:06.200
then into a thinking of abdomen or
00:47:06.200 --> 00:47:06.900
lumbar here.
00:47:07.700 --> 00:47:09.600
So it gives a little bit more of a pinch.Q
Irene Kael
Q1: (What exactly the lines u are pointing does u mean the line of gesture between inside and outside?)
Answer: Notice when Mr.Hampton draws the gesture, he uses 4 lines that are asymmetrical to each other to create a rhythm, three lines to draw the spine and 1 for the abdomen. First is cervical, second is thoracic, third line is for the abdomen stretch, and lastly is lumbar.
Q2 + Q3 : (How?) + (Flip What?)
Answer: Before drawing your gesture/figure, notice that depending on the gesture if it is extended up, or leaned over the 4 lines that identify the spine will change. If it is extended up, there will be 3 lines that will identify the spine on the back of the gesture that I just talked about (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar), and there will be 1 line that represents the abdomen stretch. On the other hand, if it is leaned over, the placement of the 3 lines that represents the spine will change, (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar) will be in front instead of the back due the pinch that the figure will get and the fourth line (the stretch) will go on the back. That what it means will he says when flipping the order of lines.
His method depends on drawing the inside then gradually building it up to reach for muscles and anatomy as a whole. You have to rewatch and practice with him as he is going through the examples. Draw along with him and I'd suggest you to visit his Youtube channel and instagram to gain the most of it. I hope it helped you. Mr.Hampton did answer all your questions actually in that video, you will realize that after you understand how it works trust me. To me, Mr.Hampton's method works the best to draw the figure and once it clicks and you know how it works you would be the happiest! So thankful for him, he is a true master ^-^
Canyon Braff
yeah they own everything; marvel, star wars... your next born.. hahahahah

Hello, is this Demo isn't available anymore?
George Rabbitearl
Hallo @Michael Hampton
thank you for the video, the gesture drawing is very well explained.
Regarding torso, I would be interested to know how different this is from the bean torso method? The bean torso method uses two "circles/ellipses" to represent the chest and pelvis in a simplified way. But to me the end result looks similar. Is the only difference that the C curves guide the eye better through the body parts?
Do you offer a course with feedback?
Thanks a lot
Yep, I'm sure it's basically the same. This type of gesture might just be a step prior to laying in shapes (beans).
I do offer courses with feedback through Brainstorm school. Here is a link if you're interested
where's the video?
Josh Fiddler
Did I find it useful?! Is that even a question? Bizzare? My brain is buzzing with excitement! The analysis of the tension between rational and humanist programs of the Reniassance was so effing refreshing to hear in a drawing demo. So good!
I'm in mentorship on DrawingForce.com and sort of jumped into the deep end with "serious" drawing study. My fundamentals up to that point being either self-taught in near vacuum or learned in high-school 25 years ago. This demo just validated all the months and months of hard work of building up the fundamentals and inexorably shifted everything I will do from here forward. Everything I've learned so far hangs so nicely upon this frame you have built.
I would love to buy your book but it isn't available on Canadian Amazon!
Also, what is the 4th thing on the "Why" List?
Gratefully, Josh
Hey Josh, I'm thrilled you were able to take something from the lecture! Oh ya, sorry. I'm an independent publisher and it's impossible to ship internationally. And the 4th thing is "proportion."
Renata Galle
OMG I couldn’t stop watching

Amazing .would love to have him as a teacher

Mario Parra
This lesson is absolutely mind blowing. I finally got so many things.
I'm sharpening my pencil as I write this. I can't wait to apply the concepts.
Thanks a lot Michael!
That's great! I'm so happy you could take something away from it.

i cant find the way to play the video, please help me.
Steve Lenores
Will this be part of course? I finally got your book from Amazon a few days ago and wondering if you will have more videos.
Hey Steve, I'm not entirely sure to be honest. Nothing else has been recorded at this point
nice suggestion the antagonist lines...it helped me a lot finding my way to describe gesture

Lars Trunin
Absolutely incredible session, thank you all the way from Estonia!
Alex McCaleb
Now THIS is what I call a small world! My left brain looked right past this heading in my e-mail, I'm thinking "Oh right, Mattesi has a new video.... oh wait who now? michael.. HAMPTON??????" THAT Michael Hampton?! Figure Drawing: Design and Invention was my FIRST, and I've never been able to put a face and voice to the teacher, so studying from this video is a surreal trip! This is really cool, man. Glad to see you're doing well.
Alex McCaleb
Update: Just saw the proko link to your Youtube channel.
You've been doing videos this whole TIME? ...looks like I've got some studying to do~
Steven Clark
Really amazing lecture. First time I feel I understand something about gesture. Appreciate all the context in the first part of the lecture so much.
So glad to hear it!