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added comment inGesture and Anatomy - Full Demo
in 46 : 42 timestaps i didnt understand anything
00:46:45.300 --> 00:46:48.200
use these lines. That's why I think it
Q1 : (what eactly the lines u are pointing does u mean the line of gesture between inside and outside ) that we draw between anatomy and the 8 parts
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lends itself so well to invention but in different postures, you
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just have to reorganize some of the lines in order to
Q2 : How
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do allow for a different interpretation. So here
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I can just flip it. I'll make this longer.
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And then I'll create thoracic and
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then into a thinking of abdomen or
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lumbar here.
00:47:07.700 --> 00:47:09.600
So it gives a little bit more of a pinch.Q
Irene Kael
Q1: (What exactly the lines u are pointing does u mean the line of gesture between inside and outside?)
Answer: Notice when Mr.Hampton draws the gesture, he uses 4 lines that are asymmetrical to each other to create a rhythm, three lines to draw the spine and 1 for the abdomen. First is cervical, second is thoracic, third line is for the abdomen stretch, and lastly is lumbar.
Q2 + Q3 : (How?) + (Flip What?)
Answer: Before drawing your gesture/figure, notice that depending on the gesture if it is extended up, or leaned over the 4 lines that identify the spine will change. If it is extended up, there will be 3 lines that will identify the spine on the back of the gesture that I just talked about (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar), and there will be 1 line that represents the abdomen stretch. On the other hand, if it is leaned over, the placement of the 3 lines that represents the spine will change, (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar) will be in front instead of the back due the pinch that the figure will get and the fourth line (the stretch) will go on the back. That what it means will he says when flipping the order of lines.
His method depends on drawing the inside then gradually building it up to reach for muscles and anatomy as a whole. You have to rewatch and practice with him as he is going through the examples. Draw along with him and I'd suggest you to visit his Youtube channel and instagram to gain the most of it. I hope it helped you. Mr.Hampton did answer all your questions actually in that video, you will realize that after you understand how it works trust me. To me, Mr.Hampton's method works the best to draw the figure and once it clicks and you know how it works you would be the happiest! So thankful for him, he is a true master ^-^