Inside the Mind of a Concept Artist with Phil Dimitriadis
Inside the Mind of a Concept Artist with Phil Dimitriadis
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Inside the Mind of a Concept Artist with Phil Dimitriadis

Course In Progress

Inside the Mind of a Concept Artist with Phil Dimitriadis

Course In Progress

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In this premium lesson, I have a conversation with concept artist Phil Dimitriadis about his work in the entertainment industry. Phil explains his role in solving visual problems for animated features, videos, and TV shows. He shares how he blends traditional techniques like quick marker comps and freehand drawing with digital tools such as Photoshop and Maya. Phil emphasizes the importance of foundational perspective training and how it enhances creativity and problem-solving. We discuss his multi-stage design process, the value of continuous drawing practice, and advice for aspiring artists on building their skills and engaging with an artistic community.

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