How to Sculpt a Portrait in 10 Steps

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How to Sculpt a Portrait in 10 Steps

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Alright it’s your turn! Follow the 10 steps and sculpt a self portrait of your own.

Make sure to share your sculpture below and don’t forget to include your reference image.

heres my progress on Arnold shwarzenegger
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done it's really coming to life! I like the shadows from the lower view looking up at the sculpture. Now I would start using a tool to soften the transition between the forms and remember to try to texture across the form and in different directions rather than along the form in the same direction. Keep up the great work!
Cesar Barcenas
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done portrait! If I had to give a critique I would say to start working on softening the texture of the skin by going over the forms with a sculpting tool lightly while still trying to observe the reference. Keep it up!
Cesar Barcenas
My process is slow, I usually like to do as deep a scan of the anatomy as possible. During the first 10 hours (enough for a model) I took care of the block and simplified it, in later stages the abstraction serves as a guide and thus integrate the features I decided to publish this model of Joni showing only the essentials and a minimal approach of the features. thus showing the difference between a short-term job and a more advanced one.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Great job!
Eric Lee
Make a portrait before learning more anatomy.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Great job! There's nothing that jumps out at me as far as things to change. I would just get to the next sculpture as the practice is what will make you improve. Keep going!
After much procrastination, finally took a shot of the assignment. this was my 3rd try.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey great job! It would be cool to also see process pictures of the steps. The overall structure looks good. You might consider going over the video on sculpting the mouth again as that is the feature that stands out to me as not being as natural feeling as the other features. Keep up the great work! can't wait to see more.
Hi Andrew, Finally found time to make my final project. Lots to improve but I prefer to start a new project 😉. Please advise where I can do it better. Thanks. What is the next step for me? I’d like to improve my portrait skills. Thanks for your advise.
Andrew Joseph Keith
wow! haha nicely done!
Thank you Kimberly. Andrew Keith's portrait course has been so good to learn portrait sculpting. It's my first clay portrait!
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Love this expression, @Dominique !
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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